This tab is available if the Enable Bank Charges option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form.

The tab is used for recording the bank charges applied to the received funds. To record the bank charges, you need to select the Apply Bank Charges check box—this makes the appropriate fields available.

The "Bank Receipt (create)" form. The Bank Charges tab

The Cash Flow Item (Bank Charges) field, by default shows the Bank Charges cash flow item.

In the Expense GL Account field, specify an account to accrue bank charges as expenses.

In the Department field, specify a department associated with these bank expenses.

In the Expense Item field, specify an expense item intended for bank expenses.

In the Business Activity field, specify a business activity for such expenses.

In the Charge Amount field, you can enter the charge amount which was applied to the received funds.

The Net Amount field (non-editable) displays the amount (after charges are deducted) that is added to your entity's bank account.

The Total Amount field displays the total amount that was sent by the lender. You cannot edit the Total Amount field.

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