To view the list of all reports in the Accounting module and run them, go to: Asset Management > Reports of Asset Management. Notice that the most frequently used reports are located in the Reports section on the front page of the Asset Management module.

For details on using the report settings and parameters, refer to Adjusting and generating reports.

The reports available in the Asset Management module of FirstBit ERP provide you with summary and detailed information on the fixed asset depreciation. If the Enable Workwear and Tools Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Asset Management form, you can view information on the workwear and tools usage.



Balances of Capital Improvement Costs

Figure 1. The report is available if the Enable Capital Improvements to Fixed Assets option is selected on the Administration > Configuration Settings > Asset Management form. The report shows the costs of capital improvements on the specified date listed by fixed asset and expense item. You can filter the data by entity, fixed asset, or expense item.

Balances of Construction in Progress Costs

Figure 2. The report is available if the Enable Construction-in-Progress Accounting for Fixed Assets option is selected on the Administration > Configuration Settings > Asset Management form. The report shows the costs of of fixed asset construction in progress on the specified date listed by fixed asset and expense item. You can filter the data by entity, fixed asset, or expense item.

Costs of Capital Improvements to Fixed Assets

Figure 3. The report is available if the Enable Capital Improvements to Fixed Assets option is selected on the Administration > Configuration Settings > Asset Management form. The report shows how the capital improvement costs changed during the specified period for the fixed assets. Expense items reflect the structure of costs. You can filter the data by entity, fixed asset, or expense item.

Costs of Fixed Asset Construction in Progress

Figure 4. The report is available if the Enable Construction-in-Progress Accounting for Fixed Assets option is selected on the Administration > Configuration Settings > Asset Management form. The report shows how these costs changed during the specified period for the fixed assets under construction. Expense items reflect the structure of costs.  You can filter the data by entity, fixed asset, or expense item.

Fixed Assets Output

Figure 5. The report lists the fixed assets with the Units of Production depreciation method. For each such fixed asset, the output in the specified units of production during the selected period is shown. You can filter the data by entity and specific fixed asset.

Inventory Card

Figure 6. Using this report, you can view the net book values of fixed assets with some details of depreciation. You can filter the data by entity, status, department, specific fixed assets.

Planned Issues of Workwear and Tools

Figure 7. The report lists the planned quantities of workwear and tools to be issued during the specified period. The quantities are calculated based on issued quantities, usage rates, useful lives of items and sizes of employees. You can filter the data by entity, employee, and item.

Statement of Depreciation

Figure 8. The report lists the fixed assets grouped by department with the details of depreciation. You can filter the data by entity, department, and specific fixed assets.

Workwear and Tools in Use

Figure 9. The report lists the items of workwear and tools in use by employees. Also, it shows the items to be written off on the date of report and the items to be issued to employees to ensure the employees have complete sets of the required items based on their positions. You can filter the data by entity, department, employee, item type, and item.

Workwear and Tools Usage Details

Figure 10.  The report includes a list of employees with workwear and tools assigned by position. The report contains information on quantities issued to the employee, written off, and returned back during the specified period. You can filter the data by department, employee, specific workwear type, or item.

Workwear Sizes and Usage Rates

Figure 11. The report lists the employees with their positions, clothing sizes, assigned types of workwear with usage rates and useful lives. You can filter the data by department, employee, or specific workwear type.

Figure 1. Balances of Capital Improvement Costs

Figure 2. Balances of Construction in Progress Costs

Figure 3. Costs of Capital Improvements to Fixed Assets

Figure 4. Costs of Fixed Asset Construction in Progress

Figure 5. Fixed Assets Output

Figure 6. Inventory Card

Figure 7. Planned Issues of Workwear and Tools

Figure 8. Statement of Depreciation

Figure 9. Workwear and Tools in Use

Figure 10.  Workwear and Tools Usage Details

Figure 11. Workwear Sizes and Usage Rates

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