This tab is available if the Enable Phased Revenue Recognition option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form and if the Use Phased Revenue Recognition option is selected in the customer contract (refer to the Additional Information tab).

This tab lists all the Phased Revenue Recognition documents created earlier for the Invoice which was used as the basis. This list contains all the necessary details for information. 

The Credit Note (create) form. The Contract Assets tab

If you are manually creating this list, click Add to append a new line.

The Document column shows a Phased Revenue Recognition document that is linked to the customer contract and the Customer Order column shows the reference to the order if any was linked. 

The Project column shows the project to with the document is linked.

The Project Task column shows the project task to which the document is linked.

The Cost Object column shows the specific cost object for which costs were recognized with revenue recognition in the specified document.

The Item column shows the Work item mentioned in the Phased Revenue Recognition document for which revenue was recognized.

The Characteristic column is available if the Enable Item Characteristics option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. In this column, you can specify additional properties (such as size, color, and so forth) of each listed item if the Use Characteristics option is selected for the item in its master record.

In the Quantity column, you can view the item quantity recognized in the document; the UOM column shows a unit of measure used for the item if the Multiple UOMs per Item option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.

The Amount column shows the revenue amount that was recognized by using the document.

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