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On this form, the following fields are required: Account Owner, Account No, and SWIFT.

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The "Bank Account (create)" form


In the IBAN field, specify the International Bank Account Number if available. The system will use this information in the document print forms.

To specify the SWIFT code, click the button located to the right in the field and select the bank with its SWIFT from a drop-down list of available banks. If the required bank is not in the list, click Create to add the bank. For details, refer to Adding a Bank.


Select the Use for WPS option if this bank account will be used as a source for salary payments via the WPS (Wages Protection System).

If this bank account cannot be used directly for deposits or wire transfers, select the Indirect Payments option and use the SWIFT field under the Bank for Indirect Payments heading to select the correspondent bank via which all the transactions will be performed.

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The "Bank Account (create)" form (the Indirect Payments option)

In the Account Additional Information section The Reconcile Bank Statements option appears on the form if the Reconcile Bank Statements option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form.

Select the Reconcile Bank Statements option if reconciliation of bank statements with internal documents is required for this bank account. 

The Bank Reconciliation Start Date field becomes available and required once the Reconcile Bank Statement option is selected. By default, the field is populated with the current date. In this field, specify the date from which the internal bank documents will be available for reconciliation. 

Note. If you select earlier reconciliation start date than the current date, you will need to re-post all the Bank Payments, Bank Receipts, and Money Transfers linked with this bank account that incurred in the period (time interval) between the selected date and the current date, so that correct reconciliation statuses could be assigned to these documents.  

Account Additional Information

In this section of the form, you can specify the dates indicating the period when the account can be used: for this, use the Opening Date and Closing Date fields.


In the GL Account field, you can view the default GL account to which this bank account is linked. By default, all transactions on all bank accounts of all entities are displayed on the same GL account (Bank Accounts). If needed, at the implementation stage, you can select another GL account as the default account or assign different GL accounts to be used for bank accounts in different currencies.

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The GL Account Edit form dialog box for a bank account

Warning. If the GL account has already been already used in transactions for this bank account, you must not cannot replace it with another GL account.
To edit the account itself, click the button located to the right in the field.
