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You can fill the items list with their prices on the Prices tab.

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Completed ‘Setting Item Prices' form. The ‘Prices’ use the Prices tab to populate it with items and assign the prices to these items. The system will assign the prices automatically if the price type is defined with the dynamic method of price calculation.

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The Item Pricing (create) form. The Prices tab

To add a row, click the ‘Add’ Add or Pick button (refer to the par.Working with the pick Using the Pick operation). You can also add item prices via Excel import. To do it Alternatively, you can import the list of items with all the details from an Excel document. For this, click the Image Removed Image Added button on the tabular table toolbar and follow the step-by-step tips instructions in the displayed appeared window. You can download the table template with values copied from the Excel document. The template can be modified in ‘Administration’ section.Firstly, fill in the Items column,which the price is set for. To open the inventory and services list, click the ‘Show all’ hyperlink in the drop-down list or start typing inventory name or code in the field. To learn more about creating inventory and services, refer to the Filling Items Catalog section.You can specify some additional features of an inventory or service

In the Item column, select the item for which you will set the prices.

The Characteristic column is available if the Enable Item Characteristics option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. In this column, you can specify additional properties (such as size, color etc.) in the Characteristic field, if the ‘Keep inventory accounting by characteristics’ option in the ‘Purchases’ section is enabled. To learn more about purchase settings, see par. Settings for the 'Purchase' section.

You can specify units of measurement (Unit), if the ‘Item accounting in different units of measure’ option in the ‘Purchases’ section is enabled. To learn more about purchase settings, see par. Settings for the 'Purchase' section. The field is automatically completed with the unit of measurement specified for the selected item.

The Price Type field is displayed, if it was not filled in on the ‘Main’ tab.

Values for the Price field should be indicated manually.

The Currency field is not editable and is automatically filled , and so forth) of each listed item if the Use Characteristics option is selected for the item in its master record (see Items).

The Batch column is available, if the Enable Batches option is selected on the Purchasing and Warehouses form. In this column, you can specify the batch (lot) number for the items for which the Use Batches option is selected. Generally, you must specify batch numbers for items with expiration dates, items transferred for consignment or to third-party contract warehouses. To learn more about the item settings, see Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses.

In the UOM column, you can select an UOM for the item if the Multiple UOMs per Item option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.

If the Enable Additional Price Factor option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Sales form, the additional Delivery Terms or Payment Terms column is available depending on which factor of the two was selected. You can set multiple prices for each item on per terms basis.

The Currency column is not available for editing and is automatically populated with the currency specified for the selected price type.

The Check boxes in the А (actuality) field is enabled actual) column are selected by default. If you disable it, clear a check box for any item, its price will not be specified for the current row.

The Additional Sale Price Determinator field is displayed, if the ‘Use Additional Sale Price Determinator’ option in the ‘Sales’ section is enabled. Using this setting allows you to set the sale price, depending on the selected terms. The field name is created dynamically according to the selected value (in the ‘Additional Sale Price Determinator Settings’ you can select ‘Sales Payment Terms Types’ or ‘Delivery Terms’). To learn more about section options, see par. Settings for the 'Sales' section.

Current document status can be displayed at the bottom of the items list form: ‘New’ (document was created, but not recorded), ‘Not Posted’ (document was recorded, but not posted), ‘Posted’ (document was posted) or ‘Marked for Deletion’ (document was marked to be deleted). The document author is also displayed.

After filling the list, click the ‘Save’ button to save the applied changes without posting, the ‘Post and close’ button to post and close the document or ‘Post’ to post the document without closing itused by the system.

Use the Price column to enter the prices if the price calculation method for prices of this price type is Manual or view the prices which automatically populated the column if the calculation method is Dynamic. You can edit the automatically calculated prices if the calculation method is Manual (Based on Other Price Type).