You can easily populate the inventory item lists in documents using the "picking" operation. To initiate it, click the Pick button on the toolbar of the Inventory or Inventory and Services tab of a document.

The Pick Items dialog box

The Pick Items dialog box includes the following parts:

  • Filter fields and toolbar (on the top of the dialog box):
  • Item Master data (left pane): Hierarchic structure of item master records arranged as folders.
  • Item List (right pane): The list of items from the folder selected in the left pane that are associated with the specified warehouse.
  • Picked items (lower pane): The resulting list of items intended for the document.

Click the Show without Hierarchy button to display the items without any hierarchy in the Item list.

The filter fields and toolbar

At the top of the form, there is a filter bar. To narrow the search, select Warehouse and Cell (Bin Location) to pick the items from. Also, select a type of prices in the Price Type field to use in the current document (for information).

For view more details on items during picking, you can add fields to the item list. For this, click the Settings button. The Pick Settings dialog box appears.

The Pick Settings dialog box

The Pick Settings dialog box provides the following options:

  • Show Ordered: With this option selected, the Ordered column appears which shows the item quantity on purchase orders.
  • Show Balance: With this option selected, a column with the item balances (reserves included) at the specified warehouse is displayed.
  • Show Reserve: If the option is selected, a column with the item quantities reserved for customer orders will be displayed.
  • Show Free Balance: With this option selected, a column with the item available balances at the specified warehouse is displayed.
  • Show Prices: If the option is selected, the column with actual prices (according to the selected price type) is displayed.

When you are done selecting the options, save them using the the Save button. The items list is displayed based on the applied settings.

Picking the items

Once you view the information on items available at the specified warehouse (bin location), you can pick the requested items. For this, double-click the item of interest in the left pane, and this item will appear in the lower, resulting list of picked items – you only need to enter the correct quantity of the item.

To not forget the enter the quantities, you can click the Ask Quantity button, then, a dialog box intended for specifying the item quantity will appear on each item selection.

The Item Quantity dialog box

Here in the dialog box, you need to enter the required quantity and click OK to close the dialog box.

To add the resulting list of picked items to the document, click the Add Picked Items on the dialog box toolbar.

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