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On this tab, you can enter general information about credit note: the type of the transaction, the entity involved, the customer, its contract and currency, the document basis, and more data which may depend on the configuration of your system.

First of all, select Mutual Settlement Adjustment in the Transaction Type field—this enables the fields appropriate for this transaction type.

The required fields are: Entity, Company, Transaction Type, Currency, Amount, and Expense GL Account.

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The "Credit Note (create)" form. The Main tab

In the Company field, you can select a customer, an individual or legal entity, for whom the credit note is created. Select it from the Companies list. The Contract field is populated automatically with the default contract of the selected customer. If necessary, you can select another contract of this customer (to open the list of contracts, click in the Contract field, then select Show all ).

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that a number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Transaction Type field, select Mutual Settlement Adjustment—this enables the fields appropriate for this transaction type.In the Amount field (available only for the Mutual Settlement Adjustment transaction type), type the amount of the adjustment. If needed, select the currency of this adjustment in the field to the right.

In the Entity field, select an entity of your company for which this document is being prepared. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on: Administration > Settings> General Settings. You can select your personal default entity to appear in documents; for this, refer to Personal Settings. If you have not selected your default entity, the entity defined first will be used as the system default value.

In the Expense GL Account field, notice the default expense account according to the Default GL Accounts By DefaultAccount list. If needed, you can select another expense account.

You can use the Comment text box to provide any relevant information on this transaction.

The document totals and other Information

At the bottom of the form, the Total field shows the document total to be paid to the customer.


  • New (document was created, but not recorded)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to post the document without closing it or Post and close to post and close the document.

For descriptions of other buttons, see Document Toolbar. Creating a Credit Note. The Documents tab


You can leave the Documents tab empty: in this case, the credit note itself can be used as credit (advance) for future supplies or as the basis for refunding the customer.

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The "Credit Note (create)" form. The Documents tab

To add the document, click the Add button.

The Document Amount and Contract columns are filled in automatically from the selected invoices and are not editable.

In the Order column, for each invoice specify the customer order if the order was specified in the invoice.

The Credit Note Amount column includes the amounts of mutual settlement adjustments in the currency of the credit note which is specified on the Main tab. You can enter the amounts manually.

To indicate that the adjustment amounts will be used as advance payments for particular invoices, select the Advance check boxes for the respective documents.

The Accounts Amount column shows the adjustment amounts in the document contract currency. If the credit note currency is the same as the contract currency, the amounts are equal to the amounts in the Credit Note Amount column.

The Rate and Factor columns are filled in automatically according to the contract currencies in the invoices.

In the Department column, you can specify the entity's departments, which are affected by this transaction.

In the Business Activity column, select the business activities to which the documents are related.
In the Expense Item column, select the item from the Expense Items list to link the expense incurred from this adjustment.

Once you added all the invoices you wanted, you can manually distribute the note's amount among the documents by using the Credit Note Amount column. Alternatively, you can click the Distribute Amount button and select from the following options:

  • Proportion to the Number of Invoices: To distribute the credit note amount among all documents evenly.
  • Proportion to the Amounts of Invoices: To distribute the credit note amount proportionally to the amounts.


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The "Credit Note (create)" form. The Additionally tab
In the Department field, you can specify the sales department of the entity created the credit note. To open the departments list, click the Show all hyperlink in the drop-down list.

In the Responsible field, specify the employee who is responsible for this credit note. If you have selected the default employee for your work in the Personal Settings, this default value will appear in the field; in any case, you can select an employee from the Employees list.

In the Reason field, add any relevant informationTo create a document based on the Credit Note, click the Generate button and select the required document type:

  • Cash Payment: For cash payments to customers.
  • Bank Payment: For bank payments to customers.
  • Cheque Issued: For payments to customers made by bank cheques.
  • Money Payment (Plan): To plan payments to be sent to the customer. This type of documents is available if the Cash Flow Forecasting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form.

The data from the Credit Note will be automatically copied to the new document.

For descriptions of other buttons, see Document Toolbar.