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The Expenses tab provides a list of services purchased by your company from the supplier or additional expenses incurred on purchasing the goods. If the purchased services will be provided to the entity during multiple sequential months, you can create deferred expenses for such services.Image Removed

If the Enable Deferred Expenses option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form, you will be able to defer expenses for recognition over multiple financial periods.  

If the Enable Payroll Deductions option is selected on the Administration > Settings > HR and Payroll form, this tab can be used to distribute the listed expenses for deduction from the salaries (earnings) of specific employees.

Note. The item list on this tab cannot include both Payroll Deductions and Deferred Expenses

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The "Invoice Received (create)" form. The Expenses tab

To allocate the expenses (incurred on purchasing the goods) to costs of the items listed on the Inventory tab, select the Include Expenses in Cost Price check box. This makes available the Distribute Expenses button on the toolbar of this the Inventory tab available.




Neither deferred expenses nor payroll deductions can be included in the cost of items.

To add an expense or service item, click the Add or Pick button (refer to Working with Using the pick operation). To open the list of services, click Add, then the Show All hyperlink. To create a new service, click Create; for more details, refer to the Items topic. You  You can download import a list of expense or service items with prices and other details from an Excel document (an .xlsx file). For this, click the  button on the table toolbar and follow the step-by-step instructions in the appeared window. The list can be edited in the Administration module.You can use the Up and Down ( Image Removed ) arrows to rearrange the items in the list.

In the Quantity column, the quantity of the service is specified. The UOM column is automatically populated with the default unit of measurement of the selected service item.

The Characteristic column is available if the Enable Item Characteristics option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. In this column, you can specify additional properties of each purchased item if the Use Characteristics option is selected for the item in its master record (see Items).  

The Price column is filled in automatically if the supplier price for the service is available in the system; otherwise, you can enter the price manually.

In the GL Accounts column, you can view the default accounts to be updated by this transaction. If needed, you can replace them with other accounts.

You can use the DepartmentDiscount, Expense Item, and Business Activity columns to specify parameters for further analysis of this purchasing transaction% and Discount columns to enter the supplier discount for the purchased service or expense if the Enable Discounts and Markups in Purchasing Documents option is selected.

The amounts in the Amount column are automatically calculated for each item according to the specified price, quantity of the service item, and supplier discounts; otherwise you can enter the amount manually.


                    VAT_Amount = A*VAT_Rate/100.

The Total amount is automatically calculated according to the VAT-related settings as follows:

  • If the Prices Include VAT option is selected: Total = Amount.
  • If the Prices do not Include VAT option is selected: Total = Amount + VAT_Amount.

You can use the Customer Order column to refer to the customer order which is the basis for this purchase. If all line items refer to the same order, you can move the Customer Order column to the Main tab as a field by using the Settings button on the form toolbar. 

The Project Task column is available if the Enable Project Tasks option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form. You can use the Project Task column to link this purchased item to the project task. If all line items refer to the same project task, you can move the Project Task column to the Main tab as a field by using the Settings button on the form toolbar. 

The Department, Expense Item, and Business Activity columns are available if the Include Expenses in Cost Price check box is cleared. Specify the analytics for further analysis of this purchasing transaction. 

In the Comment field column, you can specify some additional information about this service.

In the Transaction Content column, the default description of the service GL transactions generated for this purchase is shown by default. If needed, you can edit the description.



tab toolbar buttons

You can use the Up and Down ( Image Added ) arrows to rearrange the items in the list.

The Create / Cancel Deferral button is availableon the toolbar if the Enable Deferred Expenses option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form. Click Create / Cancel Deferral on the toolbar if you need to create a deferral for any selected expense in the list , select the expense and click Create / Cancel Deferral on the toolbar to invoke the –  this invokes the Deferred Expenses dialog box (for more information, refer to the section below). The   icon in the first column of the list indicates that for this item a deferral was already created. To cancel the deferral, click Create / Cancel Deferral on the toolbar and then Cancel Deferral in the dialog box.toolbar and then Cancel Deferral in the dialog box.

The Payroll Deductions button is available if the Enable Payroll Deductions option is selected on the Administration > Settings > HR and Payroll form. Click the Payroll Deductions button if you need to deduct the expense amounts from the earnings of specific employees –  this invokes the corresponding dialog box. The Image Added icon in the first column indicates that for this item payroll deductions were defined.  For information on specifying payroll deductions, see the The Payroll Deductions dialog box section below in this topic.

For descriptions of other buttons, refer to Document toolbar.

The Deferred Expenses dialog box

You can use this dialog box to specify the deferral parameters.


To save the deferred expense, click Save in the dialog box. To discard the changes, click Cancel.

The Payroll Deductions dialog box

You can use this dialog box to create payroll deductions based on the incurred expense.  

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The Payroll Deductions dialog box

Click Add to add a new line to the list of employee deductions. Create a list of employees to distribute the deduction amount.

In the Employee column, select the employee for deduction.

In the Deduction Type column, select or create a type of deduction.

In the Deduction Amount column specify the particular amount.

Use the GL Accounts column to select the account for recording deductions.

In the Transaction Content column, type a description of the GL entry.

Make sure that the sum in the Deduction Amount column is equal to the expense amount shown on the top of the dialog box.

Click OK to save the list of deductions. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the data.