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This This form provides general information about this automatic discount: the discount method and value, scope, conditions, exceptions, validity period, and so forth. 

On this form, the following fields are required: DescriptionDiscount Method, Discount Scope, and Discount

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The "Automatic Discount (create)" form. The Conditions tab
If an automatic discount is a part of a certain group of discounts, select this group in the Folder field or create a new group to hold the discount by clicking the the Image Modified button  button in the drop-down list. 

In the Description field, type the name that would identify the new automatic discount. If you leave the field empty, it will be populated with the automatically generated description which includes the specified discount specified discount method and conditions. 

Use the Order field to specify the order of this discount application in a sequence of other active discounts. 

The Active check box is selected by default. For an existing discount, you can clear the check box if you do not want to apply this discount anymore. 

Use the Discount Method field to select the method of discount calculation, you can select from the following options:

  • Percent: To apply this discount as percentage of the amount.
  • Amount: To apply this discount as an amount that decreases the document or document line total.

In the Discount Scope field, specify the scope of application:

  • In Document: To make the discount applicable to the entire document.
  • In Document (Per Item): Only to an item in the document (for instance, the same item may be listed in multiple lines with different serial or lot numbers).
  • In Line: To a single line in the document.

Use the Discount Value field to specify the value of the discount which will be used according to the selected discount method: as percent or as amount. If you need 
to create an markup, enter a negative value here. If you need to specify an amount, also specify the currency. 

Note. If the discount will be applied to a document in another currency, the discount amount will be recalculated and applied in the currency of this document. 

After that, you can specify conditions of application, exceptions, recipients, and other properties.

The Conditions tab

Use the Conditions tab to specify conditions for this discount application. Click Add to add a condition: You can select an existing discount condition or create a new condition. For details, see Adding Creating the Auto-Automatic Discount Conditions

Note. If no conditions are specified on this tab, this automatic discount will be applied unconditionally within the specified discount scope.

The Exceptions tab

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The "Automatic Discount (create)" form. The Exceptions tab

On the Exceptions tab, you can add an exception or multiple exceptions. For this, click Add and select an inventory item, service, or a group of inventory items or services to which the special-value discount (or no discount) should be applied if the conditions are met; in the Discount column, you can specify the amount of percent of the discount. 

Note. If no exceptions are specified on this tab, this automatic discount will be applied to all documents matching the conditions (if any).

The Recipients tab

Use the Recipients tab to specify companies receiving the discount and warehouses in which the discount is available. 

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The "Automatic Discount (create)" form. The Recipients tab 

Switching between the Companies and Warehouses internal tabs, you can compile a list of companies to which this discount is available and warehouses where this discount is available. 

Note. If no companies and warehouses are specified on this tab, this automatic discount will be available to all companies in all warehouses.

The Schedule tab

Use the Schedule tab to specify days of week and time intervals (by using the Start Time and End Time columns) when the discount is available. 

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The "Automatic Discount (create)" form. The Schedule tab 

Note. If no conditions are specified on this tab, this automatic discount will be applied on all days of week and at any time.

The Validity Period tab

Use the Validity Period tab to specify date range when the discount is available. 

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The "Automatic Discount (create)" form. The Validity Period tab 

Note. If no conditions are specified on this tab, this automatic discount will be applied on all dates.

The Additional Information tab

Use the Additional Information text box on this tab to provide any relevant information that will help using this discount.

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Save and Close to save the discount and close the form.