This functionality is available only if the Enable Automatic Discounts and Markups option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Sales form. 

To access the Automatic Discounts document list, go to: Sales > Service Tools > Automatic Discounts

The Automatic Discounts list 

The list of automatic discounts includes all the automatic discounts currently available in the system. If you don't see a specific discount, use the Search field to locate the discount by a string in its description. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the list display settings, see Working with the item list

The automatic discounts can be arranged in a hierarchy structure using groups (folders). The number of hierarchy levels is virtually unlimited. 

The toolbar buttons

To manually create a new automatic discount, click the Create button on the toolbar; for details refer to Creating an Automatic Discount (Markup)

To edit an existing discount, double-click the line with the discount in the Automatic Discounts list. You can also select the line, right-click it, and select Edit or click More actions > Edit on the toolbar. 

Click the Create group button to create groups (folders) for automatic discounts and markups; refer to the Creating a Group of Automatic Discounts section below. 

You can set a rule for combining multiple discounts, that is, specify how the listed discounts and groups of discounts must interact if multiple discounts are applicable to a document (the discount conditions are met). For this, you can use the following buttons: 

  • Addition: All the discounts must be applied independently.
  • Maximum: Only the discount with maximum resulting discount amount must be applied.
  • Minimum: Only the discount with minimum resulting discount amount must be applied.
  • Successive Usage: The discounts must be applied successively starting with the discount with the highest priority (lowest order value). Note. "0" - indicates the highest priority.
  • Exclusion: Only the discount with the highest priority must be applied.

For more information and usage examples, refer to Overview of Trade Discounts

Creating a Group of Automatic Discounts

In the Automatic Discounts (create folder) form, to create a group, enter its description. 

The Automatic Discounts (create folder) form 

If the created group is a part of another group, specify the parent group in the Folder field. 

In the Order field, enter a digit (0, 1, 2,...) to specify the order (priority) for application of this group's discounts in a sequence of all applicable discounts and groups of discounts. Note. "0" -indicates the highest priority. 

To specify how the discounts of the group must interact if applicable to a document (the discount conditions are met), you can use the following buttons: AdditionMaximumMinimumSuccessive Usage, and Exclusion. For descriptions of buttons, refer to The toolbar buttons section above. 

Click Save to save the new group or the Save and close button to save the group and close the form. 

Then, you can populate the group by creating new automatic discounts or moving the existing discounts by using the drag-and-drop method. 

See also

  • No labels