The tab provides a list of advances issued to the employee (if any) to cover the business expenses. For each advance, you can specify the amount spent by the employee for the listed expenses. Note that this tab can be filled out after you enter the data for the other tabs.

There are no required fields on the tab.

The "Employee Expense Report (create)" form. The Advances Paid tab

To add a document, click the Add button, click the button (in a row that appears) to select a type of document used as payment, and finally, select the payment document. If you need to add multiple documents, use the Pick button on the toolbar (for details, refer to Using the Pick operation).

If an advance has been paid to the employee, in the Amount column you can enter the value that is equal to the amount of all items (inventory items, expenses, and payments to suppliers) listed in this document. If the advance amount is greater than the spent amount, enter the spent amount here. Then, you can inform the employee that he or she should return the unused amount of the advance.

Depending on the way the employee returns the unused funds, you will need to create a Cash Receipt, Bank Receipt, or Cheque Received with the Return of Prepaid Business Expenses transaction type.

If there were no advances (the business expenses had not been prepaid), leave the table empty and post this report. Then, based on this expense report, generate a payment in the name of the employee (Cash Payment, Bank Payment, or Cheque Issued with the For Employee Business Expenses transaction type) to reimburse the employee with the amount of business expenses.

In case if the open amount of the advance is less than the spent amount, enter the advance amount in the Amount column, and either add another advance (if available) to cover the difference or post the expense report and create a payment to the employee to reimburse the employee with the difference.

The total on all listed advance payments (if any) is shown in the Paid field at the bottom of the form.

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