To access the list of cash equivalents, select Accounting > Master Data > Cash Equivalents or Money > Master Data > Cash Equivalents

Cash Equivalents are items that are similar to cash such as short-time investment securities, that can be cashed out rather easily and quickly.

Initially, the list includes no items.

The Cash Equivalents list

By creating groups (folders) for related cash equivalents, you can create a hierarchy structure. The number of levels is virtually unlimited.

The toolbar buttons

To add a new cash equivalent, click the Create button on the toolbar. For details, refer to Adding a Cash Equivalent. 

To view or edit an existing cash equivalent, double-click the line with the cash equivalent in the list.

As the list is populated, you can change its display settings. Click More actions on the toolbar and select Configure list. For more information on the list settings, see Working with the item list.

Click the Create group button to create groups (folder) for cash equivalents.  For description of other buttons, refer to List toolbar.

Creating a Group of Cash Equivalents

In the Cash Equivalents (create folder) form, to create a group, enter its description.

The Cash Equivalents (create folder) form

If the created group is a part of another group, specify the parent group in the Folder field.

<Auto> in the Code field indicates that the system will assign a unique identifier to the new group of cash equivalents once you save it.

Click Save to save the new group or the Save and close button to save the group and close the form.

Then, you can populate the group by creating new cash equivalents or by using drag and drop of existing cash equivalents.

See also

  • No labels