On the Cash Accounts (create) form, the following fields are required: Description and Default Currency.

In the Description field, provide a description for the created cash account.

The Default Currency field is populated with the accounting currency that was selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form. If needed, you can select another currency as the currency of cash account. If the required currency is not in the list, add it to the list of available currencies. For details, refer to Currencies.

The Cash Account (create) form

For each cash account, a default GL account to which all cash transactions related to the cash account will be posted is assigned automatically.

To view or make changes to the GL account, click the Edit GL Accounts link.

Click the Save button to save the new cash account or apply any changes to the existing cash account. Click the Save and close button to save the cash account or apply any changes and close the form.

When saving a new item, the system assigns it a unique code that can be edited.

The GL Account Edit dialog box

In the GL Account Edit dialog box, in the GL Account field, you can view the default GL account assigned automatically to the created cash account.

The GL Account Edit form (for a cash account)

If needed, you can select another GL account in the GL Account field.

To edit the account number or other properties, click the  button located to the right of the field. Note. you cannot change the section of the GL Account.

To apply changes to the selected account, click OK in the dialog box.

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