The Employee GL Accounts form allows you to view the list of default GL accounts to be used in transactions related to particular employees or to all employees for whom there are no special settings.

To a new employee, the default GL accounts are assigned automatically. If you need to select other GL accounts to be used as default accounts for any particular employee, in the Employee field, select this particular employee. 

The Employee GL Accounts form

In the Human Resources field, you can select a liability GL account to be used for recording unpaid compensation amounts available to this employee. The corresponding expense accounts are associated with the accrual and deduction types.

In the Prepaid Business Expenses field, select an asset GL account to be used for recording advances to the employee for paying his or her business expenses.

In the Unpaid Business Expenses field, select a liability GL account to be used for recording unpaid employee expenses in cases the expense report amounts exceed the respective advance amounts.

In the Loan field, select an asset GL account to be used for registering loans provided to the employee.

In the Interest on Loan field, select an income GL account to be used for registering interest on loans provided to the employee.

In the End-of-Service Benefits Provisions field, select an asset GL account to be used for accruing the EoSB amounts available to this employee.

In the End-of-Service Benefits Expenses field, select an expense GL account to be used for recording the monthly expenses associated with end-of-service benefit available to the employee.

The PDCs Received field is intended for a GL account to be used for recording the post-dated cheques received by the entity from the employee.

The PDCs Issued field is intended for the GL account to be used for recording the post-dated cheques issued by the entity to this employee.

Click the Save and close button to save the changes to default accounts and close the form or Close to cancel the changes and close the form.

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