Toolbars on reports can contain a number of standard buttons and the buttons specific to report. By using the report toolbar, you can change the report layout and formatting, save the report in the chosen format, or print the report.
The toolbar of a report form
Some of the actions that you can execute by clicking the toolbar buttons are also listed as actions on the More Actions drop-down list.
The Generate button
By default, any report form displays the previously generated report data; in a newly implemented system, the report is empty.
To generate a report with existing parameters and settings, click Generate on the report toolbar. To update the report after you made any changes to its settings or parameters, click Generate on the toolbar. For general description of report settings and parameters, see Adjusting and generating reports.
The Find button
If you need to find the specific data in a generated report, click the Find button to open the Find dialog box. In the Find field, type a string ( that you want to locate) of a suggested type, for instance, Amount (cur.) in the screenshot below. You can specify the search direction (Forward or Backward), the searching method (By column, By row), and other search options.
The Find dialog box
Click Close to close the dialog box without searching the report. Click Find to start the search.
The Collapse and Expend buttons
To collapse all the nodes (groups) available in the report, click the Collapse (
) button. The report amounts only for the upper node (Project in the screenshot) will be shown although some grouping options are still shown in the table heading (Income Item, Item in the screenshot). That the nodes are collapsed is indicated by the + sign in the leftmost column.The report with collapsed nodes
To expand the nodes back, click the Expand (
) button.The Page Setup button
Before you print the report on paper or create an electronic version of the print form, click the Page Setup (
) button. This opens the Page Setup dialog box which allows you the select the paper size, set orientation and scaling options, define the layout, and chose whether to print on both sizes.
The Page Setup dialog box
Click OK at the top to save the selected properties. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the selections.
The Print button
If you want to print the report on paper or create an electronic version of the print form, click the Print (
) button. This opens a dialog box which allows you the select the printing options, the layout, and other properties.The Print Preview button
Before you print the report on paper or create an electronic version of the print form, click the Print Preview (
) button. This opens the Print Preview dialog box in which you can view the report print form.The Quick Setting button
Click Quick Settings to open or hide the Quick Settings panel, which you can use to set filters and change the report parameters and settings. For more information, see Using the Quick Setting pane.
The Edit button
If you want to adjust the column widths of the report print form, change the font, font size, or color, highlight selected rows or columns, click the Edit (
) button. This enables the edit mode and makes the Edit toolbar available which you can use to make the required changes to the report print form.
The Edit mode for the report form
To adjust the column width, click anywhere in the column (it gets the yellow borders) and in the upper row move the cursor over the column separating line (between two red arrows in the screenshot above) and move the line to the right to increase the width or to the left to decrease the width.
The functions of the Edit toolbar buttons are similar to those of any common text editor.
To exit the edit mode, click the Edit button.
The Save button
If you want to create an electronic version of the print form, click the Save (
) button. This opens the Format Selection dialog box in which you can select the format for saving the report from multiple options, as shown in the Format Selection dialog box.
The Format Selection dialog box
Also, you can add the report file to an archive, newly created or existing if you select the Add to Archive (.zip) check box.
Click Save at the bottom to save the report in the selected format. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the report.
The Send button
If you want to create an electronic version of the report and send it by email, click the Send (
) button. This opens the Format Selection dialog box (see the above section) in which you can select the format for the report. Once report is converted to the specified format, the Outgoing Email (create) form opens.The Outgoing Email (create) form
On this form, you need to specify the From and To email addresses, email addresses to which copies must be sent, and the subject. Also, you can provide a text for the email.
Click the Send button to initiate the sending of the email and close the form. The report will be sent as an attachment.
The Settings button
Click the Settings (
) button if you want to change the options and parameters of the Quick Setting pane for this report. This opens The report settings dialog box.
The report settings dialog box
You can change the list of Filters, add or remove the Selected Fields options and the Group by options. For this click in the Value column. Also, you can assign a variable to the On Date, or Period Start and Period End dates to automatically calculate the default dates based on the report date. The list of variables opens when you click the in Value column, and it may include the following variables: Start of this year, Start of this quarter, Start of this month, Start of this week, and so forth.
Click Complete to save the changes and to close the dialog box. Click Cancel to reject the changes and close the dialog box.
The More Actions button
Click the More actions (
) button to open a drop-down list of all the actions that are available for the report form. The list includes the actions that appear as buttons on the toolbar (Print, Print Preview, Page Setup, Edit Save, Send, and Quick Settings) and the additional actions, that do not appear on the toolbar.
The More Actions drop-down list for a report
By using the More Actions menu, you can save the report settings to a file, upload the settings file to another report version and apply the settings. Also you can create and save another version of the report.
If you want to customize the report, select the Change form action from the More Actions menu. This opens the Customize form dialog box. Here, by selecting or clearing check boxes for specific columns of the report print form and for controls of the Quick Settings pane, you can customize the report.
The Customize form dialog box
Click OK at the bottom to save the changes. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the changes.