On this tab, you can provide the details on the new loan or loans which resulted from debt conversion.

The Loan Adjustment (create) form. The Loans Received tab

To add a row, click the Add button on the tab toolbar. Click the Pick button to add multiple new loans to the list.

The Contract column shows the contract to which a new loan is linked.

In the Loan Agreement column, select a new Loan Agreement document related to the entity's debt.

Principal in the Payment Type column indicates that the amount in this table row is the pricipal amount of the new loan.

The Amount column shows the amount of the loan in the currency indicated to the right in the column.

The Rate and Factor columns show the exchange rate of the specified currency with respect to the national currency and the factor used for conversion.

The Amount (Acct. Cur.) column shows the loan amount in the accounting currency.

Make sure the GL Accounts column shows the GL account used for the loan and presented as a link. Click the link to open the GL Accounts dialog box.

The GL Accounts dialog box

Select another account if needed. Click OK to save the replaced account and close the dialog box.

Use the Transaction Contents column to provide a brief description for the generated journal entries.

The tab toolbar buttons

Click the Add button to add a line for a loan.

Use the Pick button to add multiple loans to the list.

The tab totals

The Total Amount (Acct. Cur.) field is populated with the total amount of the new loans resulted from the entity's debt. This total amount in the accounting currency must be equal to the total debt amount from the Loan Adjustment Details tab.

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