On this tab, you can enter general information about this customer order: the transaction type of the order, the customer, contract, quotation which is the basis for the order, and more data which may depend on the configuration of your system.

If you are manually creating this customer order, make sure that Order for Sale is selected in the Transaction Type field—this enables the fields appropriate for this transaction type.

The required fields are: Company, Contract, Entity, and Shipping Date.

The "Customer Order (create)" form. The Main tab

In the Company field, select a customer, an individual or legal entity, for whom the customer order is created. Select it from the Companies list.

The Contract field is populated automatically with the default contract of the selected company. If necessary, you can select another contract or create a new one.

In the Contact Person field, select a person who is responsible for the order from the customer side.

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that a number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select the legal entity of your company which is responsible for sales. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form. The default entity for all users can be selected on the General Settings form. Also, you can specify your personal default entity, for details refer to Personal Settings.

The Basis field is filled automatically, if the customer order is based on a document of the following types: Lead, or Quotation. If needed, you can manually select the basis document from the list of customer documents (for this, click Show all from the drop-down list). Once the basis document is selected, the data is copied to this order. If, after you edited the order, you want to cancel the edits, click the Fill in button – the details from the basis document will be copied to the order.

The Project field is available if the Project Costing functionality is turned on on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form. You can link the customer order with a project from the list of available projects. If the items in this document are associated with multiple projects and you need to specify different projects for different items, you can move the Project field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory and Services tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar (for more information, see Document Toolbar).

If the Enable Project Tasks option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form, you can link the entire customer order with a specific project task or order's line items with multiple project tasks. By default, the Project Task column is available on the Inventory and Services tab. If needed, you can move it as a field to the Main tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar. 

In the Shipping Date field, select the planned date of shipping for this order. You can move the Shipping Date field from the Main tab as a column to a table on the Inventory and Services tab and specify different dates for different items, if necessary. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar.

In the Comment text box, you can enter any additional information about this order.

The currency of the customer order is defined according to the selected contract. To select other currency, select another contract, or create a new one, if necessary. To learn more about contracts, see Company Contracts.

Notice the hyperlink below the Basis field – AED Price with 10% Discount * VAT Applied Prices include VAT on the screenshot above (can be different in your document). By clicking the hyperlink, you can open the Prices and Currency dialog box and change the settings related to prices, discounts, and taxes applicable to the customer order. For more details, refer to The Prices and Currency dialog box.

Note. If proper taxation option does not appear in the document, check that the VAT accounting functionality is turned on on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form and that correct VAT settings are specified for the entity (see Entities).

The document totals and other information

At the bottom of the form, you can view who created the document and the current status of the document, which can be one of the following:

  • New (document was created, but not recorded)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)

Also, the Discount fields show the percent of discount applied to the document amount (prices) and the total discount amount calculated on the manual discounts. The VAT field is populated with the tax amount calculated for the document. The Total Due field shows the order total. All the amounts are in the currency of the document.

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to save, and post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post, and close the document. For other button descriptions, see Document Toolbar.

The Status field on the toolbar shows the current status of this order, which may be one of the following:

  • In Process
  • Completed
  • Canceled

The list of statuses can be extended if the Custom Customers Orders Statuses option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Sales form. For details, refer to Settings: Sales.

The Reserve Inventory button becomes enabled once the order is posted and its status is changed to In Process. Click this button to create a reservation document which will indicate that specific items for this customer order should be reserved in a specific warehouse or warehouses. For details, refer to Reserving the Inventory.

Use the Generate button to create a document based on this customer order. 

Use the Close check box to indicate that the order is closed and no more shipping is required for this order.

Use the Settings button to invoke the Document Settings dialog box that can be used to move the Project field or the Shipping Date field, or both the fields from the document header (the Main tab) as columns to the table on the Inventory and Services tab or back.

The Document Settings dialog box

  • No labels