On the Other Payments tab, you can provide information about transactions included in this planning document, GL accounts and dimensions involved.

The "Money Payment (Plan) (create)" form. The Payment Details tab

If you are manually filling out this tab, to append a new line, click the Add button.

In the GL Account Dr column, select the a GL account to be debited with the payment amount.

The Department column is populated with the default department selected as your preference on the Quick Menu > Personal Settings form. You can select another default department if needed.

In the Account Dr Dimensions column, click the <> link to open the Dimensions dialog box. In the dialog box, select a dimension or dimensions available for the selected debit account and related to the payment being planned. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.

The Project Task column is available if the Enable Project Tasks option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form. In the Project Task column, you can select a project task associated with the planned payment.

In the Amount field, enter the amount of the planned payment.

You can use the Content column to describe a purpose of this payment.

In the Remarks column, you can provide any information to be used in a printed version of the document.

Also, use the Transaction Content column to enter a brief description of this transaction to be used for journal entries.

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