This tab contains information on days and hours the employees of the selected department (and its subdivisions) worked during the reporting periods, had vacations and sick leaves.

There are the following two alternative methods of populating this tab with data:

  • Daily: For each day in the period and each employee, you will need to enter the hours for 3 types of work time.
  • For the period: For each work time type, you will need to enter the summary data for the entire period. You can use up to 6 types of work time.

The Daily method

With the Daily selected method, each day you will need to enter hours for each work time type.

The "Time Sheet (create)" form. The Time Worked tab (the Daily method)

With this method, instead of entering hours manually, you can populate the table automatically. For this, click the Fill button and then select one of the following sources:

  • Fill by production calendar:  You can use this option if all the employees work according to the calendar and there are no individual schedules and work shifts.  All the employees of the entity, or only those associated with the selected department and its subdivisions will be listed. Work days and days off are specified according to the main production calendar.
  • Fill by Work Schedules: For the listed employees, work hours are specified according to each employee's schedule. For employees without schedules, work hours are specified according to work calendar.
  • Fill by all documents:  In addition to the data from work calendar and work schedules, the data about other work time types, such as vacations, other absences, and sick leaves is shown according to the posted documents of respective types. 

Note. Any data can be edited even if work hours were populated automatically.

To add an employee to the list manually, click Add and select the employee. For each work day of the month, select the work time type in the Type column and enter the corresponding number of hours in the Hours column.

The For the Period method

With the For the Period selected method, you will only need to enter the summary data for each work time type for the entire period.

The "Time Sheet (create)" form. The Time Worked tab (the For the Period method)

For this method, instead of entering hours manually, you can fill out the tab automatically. For this, click the Fill button and then select one of the following sources:

  • Fill by production calendar: All the entity's employees or those associated with the department (if selected on the Main tab) and its subdivisions will be listed. Work days and days off are specified according to the main production calendar. You can use this option if all the employees work according to the calendar and there are no individual schedules and work shifts.
  • Fill by Template of Work Schedules: For the listed employees work hours are specified according to each employee's schedule. For employees without schedules, work hours are specified according to work calendar. You can use this option if the employees of the selected department worked according to individual schedules or in shifts.

Note. Any data can be edited even if it was entered automatically. For all listed employees, you can use up to 6 work time types.

To add an employee to the list manually, click Add and select the employee. In the Type/Days/Hours column, select a type of work time and enter the number of days and hours spent by the employee regarding this type of work time during the reporting period.

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