On the Loans Received tab, you can provide information on repayments of loans included in this planning document.

The "Money Payment (Plan) (create)" form. The Loans Received tab

If you are manually filling out this tab, to append a new line, click the Add  button. To populate the list automatically, click the Fill by Schedule button.

The Contract column is populated with a contract to which the loan repayment is related. If the contract currency is different from the bank account currency, the system will recalculate the amount in the currency of this planned payment based on the specified exchange rate. 

In the Loan Agreement column, you can specify the document for which repayments are intended.

Use the Payment Type column, to specify the type of repayment for the loan: Principal or Interest. 

In the Loan Amount column, the amount of the selected type is shown in the currency of the contract.

The Rate and Factor columns are populated automatically according to the contract currency's exchange rate with respect to the national currency on the document date. 

In the Payment Amount column, the amount in the document currency is shown. Make sure that the sum in the Payment Amount column is equal to the amount in the Amount field on the Main tab.

In the Transaction Content column, transaction description which is used in journal entries appears.

In the Remarks column, you can enter any relevant comment.

The tab toolbar buttons

You can use the Up and Down () arrows to rearrange the payments in the list. 

Click the Fill by Schedule button to populate the list with the interest and principal amounts due in the financial period of the document date.

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