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On this tab, you can enter general information about the project's budget: the project, customer, entity, and the employee who is responsible for the project. Also, you can specify whether you need to split estimates by planning period.

Depending on the selected method of estimates calculation, the form has different tabs.

If the Independent Calculation of Revenues and Costs method is selected, there are the following tabs: Main, Costs, and  Revenues.

If the Calculation of Revenues based on Costs method is selected, there are the following tabs: Main, Revenues and Costs and Overheads.

If for any method, the Estimates by Period check box is selected, one more tab,  Estimates by Period, appears. 

The "Project Estimates (create)" form. The Main tab

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that a number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select the legal entity of your company for which this document is being prepared. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form. The default entity for all users is the entity that was created first on the Accounting > Master Data > Entities form. Also, you can specify your personal default entity, for details refer to Personal Settings.

In the Project field, specify the project for which you want to create estimates.

In the Company field, specify the company for which this project is being planned.

The Contract field is auto-populated with the default contract of the company; select another contract if needed.

If you need to allocate estimates to periods, select the Estimates by Period check box. This brings up the Estimates by Period tab.

If you need to create estimates for each planning period within the project duration, select the Estimates by Period check box.

In the Responsible field, you can select the employee who is responsible for this project.

The Version field is auto-populated with the version of the project budget.

Notice the hyperlink below the Version field – Basic Price, VAT Applied, Prices Include VATUSD-3.61AED* VAT Applied* Prices include VAT on the screenshot above (can be different in your document).

By clicking the hyperlink, you can open the Prices and Currency dialog box and change the price-related and taxation-related settings to be used for the project estimates. For more details, refer to The Prices and Currency dialog box.

In the Comment text box, you can enter any information related to this project's budget.

The document totals and other Information

At the bottom of the form to the right, you can view the current status of the project and its totals. The Revenue field shows the total estimated revenue for the project. The Cost and Overhead fields show the project's direct and overhead costs. In the Profit field, you can view the total profit expected from the project.

Also, at the bottom of the form, you can view who created this document and the current status of the document; it can be one of the following:

  • New (document was created, but not recorded to the database)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post and close the document. For other button descriptions, see Document Toolbar.

Click the Generate button if you want to create a document related to this project:

  • Customer Order: To generate a customer order based on the project estimates.
  • Invoice: To generate an invoice based on the project estimates.
  • Quotation: To generate a quotation based on the project estimates.

If you need to change a method of creating estimates or set another analytical parameters for estimates, click the Settings button on the toolbar; the Document Settings dialog box appears.

The Document Settings dialog box

Replace the method of creating project estimates by using the Method of Project Estimate Calculation field; the following options are available:

  • Independent Calculation of Costs and Revenues: If you need to set estimates for costs and revenues independently.
  • Calculation of Revenues Based on Costs: If you want to calculate revenues as the values based on costs.

Also, you can select analytics for project's revenues and costs. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box, click Cancel to close without changing the default settings.

Available Links

The following links are available on the top of this form:

  • Approvals
  • History of Approvals
  • History of Project Status Changes
  • Taken Decisions

  • No labels