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The ‘Customer Order’ document defines a customer's intention to purchase a specified amount of goods from the seller with the specified price.

To access the ‘Customers Orders’ documents list, go to the ‘Sales’ section (see the figure below).

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The schematic showing how to access the ‘Customers Orders’ documents list

As the list is filled and for convenience of work, you can change its display settings. Click the ‘More’ button in the document list right side toolbar and select ‘Configure list...’ from the drop-down listTo access the Customers Orders list, go to Sales > Sales Documents > Customers Orders.

Customer Order as a document type is available if the Order Management option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form.

Customer Order is a document that is used to confirm the intention of the customer to buy specific goods and services with the specified prices.

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The Customer Orders list

The form comprises two panes below the toolbar:

  • The left pane with the list of customer orders in which you can select an order.
  • The right pane with information about the company whose order is selected in the list.

The list of customer orders includes all the customer orders available in the system. If you don't see a specific document, filter the list by company, responsible person, or status; rearrange the list by date or document number or use the Search field to locate the document by a string in its description, company name, or contract number. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the lists list display settings, see par. Work see Working with the item list. A customer order can be created according to the Lead and Event documents from the ‘CRM’ section, the Quotation document from the ‘Sales’ section and the Projects and Companies catalogsThe first column shows the shipment statuses of orders: not shipped yet, partially shipped, or fully shipped. Icons in the second column indicate whether the customer orders were paid: fully ( Image Added ), partially ( Image Added ), not paid ( Image Added ). Completely fulfilled orders are shown with green check marks in the third column (with Image Added as a column heading).

Customer Orders can be based on documents of the following types: LeadEvent, Quotation, or Project.

The following types of customer orders are available in the system (some of the transaction types are available if the appropriate features are turned on):

  • Order for Sale (Sales to Customer): To register the sale of the goods and services.
  • Order for Processing: To register the goods to be transferred to subcontractor for processing.

A customer order itself can be used as a basis for documents of the following documents:

- ‘Invoice’ (to arrange the inventory shipment)


types (some of the document types are available if the appropriate features are turned on):

  • Customer Order Adjustment: To register any changes to an order without


  • changing the original document


  • . You can adjust only


  • the lines with goods not yet invoiced (shipped).
  • Payment Terms Adjustment: To adjust previously agreed payment terms, if necessary


- ‘Cash Receipt’ (for cash payments received from the customer)

- ‘Bank Receipt’ (for non-cash payments received from the customer)

- ‘Cheque Received’ (for bank checks received from the customer)

- ‘Money Receipt (Plan)’ (to plan receipts from the customer)

- ‘Inventory Reserve’ (to reserve inventory in the warehouse for the specific customer order)

- ‘Inventory Reserve (Cancel)’ (to cancel the inventory reserve in the warehouse for the specific customer order)

- ‘Invoice Received’ (to issue the order refund for the customer)

- ‘Purchase Order’ (to purchase inventory ordered by a customer)

- ‘Expense Order’ (to issue inventory expense from the expense warehouse)

- ‘Proforma invoice’ (to issue the invoice, e. g. when order payment should to be separated into several independent invoices)

- ‘Production Order’ (for orders that require prior production)

- ‘Costing’ (to show tangible and intangible costs for production output (work execution) in the costing report)

- ‘Event’ (to schedule a meeting or a call with a customer regarding the order)

To create a document based on the ‘Customer Order’, select the appropriate customer order from the list, click the ‘Generate’ button and select the required document type. You can do it also by opening the ‘Customer Order’ document. Customer order data will be automatically inserted in the new documents.

In the order list you can track its status in the ‘Shipment status’ (box icon) and ‘Payment status’ (coins icon) columns. The size of a filled area indicates no, partial or full payment and shipping. ‘Completed’ order is marked with a lock.

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Form for creating documents based on the ‘Customer Order’

To print a document, click the Print Image Removed button and choose a printing form. The form will be opened for preview, then it can be edited in the Editing mode. To enable this mode, click the ‘Edit’ button on the toolbar above. Then click the ‘Print’ button.

To save a document in the required format, click the ‘Print’ Image Removed button. The form will be opened for preview, then you can click the Save button, select the saving location and file format.

To send a document via email, click the ‘Print’ Image Removed button. The form will be opened for preview, then you can click the Send button, select the file format and enter the receiver's address.

To see the documents related to the current one (hierarchy structure), click the View Hierarchy Structure button Image Removed. The window containing all the related documents appears. You can open each of these documents (double-clicking it), repost , undo posting or mark for deletion (Image Removed, Image Removedand Image Removed buttons on the left toolbar). You can view the hierarchy structure from the list, or from each document by clicking the corresponding button in a form.

To attach or view files that are already attached to the document, click the Attached files button Image Removed. In the displayed window you can add a file (‘Create’ button) or open an existing one for view/editing (Image Removed, ‘Edit’ and ‘Post and Close’ buttons). You can view attached files either from the list, or from each document by clicking the corresponding button in a form.

To view the result of a document accounting, click the Document's Transactions Details button Image Removed. You can view the report either from the list, or from each document by clicking the corresponding button in a form.


  • .
  • Invoice: To register the amount of goods shipped to the customer. If you have multiple customer orders of the same customer, you can create a summary invoice. For this, select specific customer orders in the list and on the toolbar click Generate > Invoice.
  • Purchase Order: To indicate that the goods requested by a customer should be purchased.
  • Production Order: To indicate that the goods requested by a customer should be manufactured first.
  • Goods Dispatch Note: To issue the inventory for fulfilling the order from the warehouse where warehouse documents are used separately from financial documents. This type of documents is available if the Separate Inventory and Financial Documents option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.
  • Cash Receipt: To register a cash received from the customer for the customer order or multiple orders.
  • Bank Receipt: To register a bank payment received from the customer.
  • Cheque Received: To register a cheque received from the customer.
  • Inventory Reserve: To indicate to the system that the ordered products must be reserved in the warehouses for the selected order or multiple orders.
  • Inventory Reserve(Cancel): To indicate to the system that the reservation of the ordered products is cancelled.
  • Proforma Invoice: To provide the customer with the preliminary invoice which contains the delivery details.
  • Money Receipt (Plan): To plan payments to be received from the customer for the delivery of the ordered goods and services.
  • Invoice Received (Return from Contract Warehouse): An Invoice Received can be generated to register the return of the goods after storage in a third-party contract warehouse.
  • Phased Revenue Recognition: To recognize a specific percentage of the revenues and costs incurred during completion of project or long-term contract. This option is available if the Enable the Phased Revenue Recognition functionality option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form.

The toolbar buttons

To manually create a new document of the Customer Order type, click the Create button on the toolbar. 

To edit an existing document, double-click the line with the document in the Customer Orders list. You can also select the line, right-click it, and select Edit or click More actions > Edit on the toolbar. If you need to print the selected document, send it by email, or perform other operations, refer to List Toolbar. 

To create a document based on an customer order, select the appropriate customer order from the list, click the Generate button and select the required document type. The data from the customer order will be automatically copied to the new document. 

See also

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