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Using this formFor the posted customer order, you can reserve the inventory items in a specific warehouse or warehouses for the customer order. The until shipping. The functionality of stock reservations is available if the Enable Stock Reservations option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. For more information, refer to Overview of  Inventory Reservations.

The Inventory Reservation form appears once you click the the Reserve Inventory button  button on the toolbar of the customer orderCustomer Order form. 

When the the Inventory Reservation form  form opens, it contains a list of items from the customer order.  Image RemovedOnly items with sufficient balances at warehouses are listed.

Image Added
The Inventory Reservation form 

The form comprises the following panes:

  • Upper left pane: Contains a list of inventory items to that can be reserved. If you click an item in the left pane, the item's available balance in the warehouses will be displayed in the upper right pane.
  • Upper right pane: Shows the available quantities of the inventory item (that is selected in the left pane) in all the warehouses.
  • Lower pane: Contains a the resulting list of items with the item quantities reserved in specific warehouses.

To populate the list in the lower pane, use either the the Fill by Warehouses or  or Fill by All Warehouses buttons buttons. If you want to reserve the inventory items in specific warehouses, click click Fill by Warehouses button –  button and select the specific warehouses.

Then, you will need to specify the item quantity to be reserved in each selected warehouse. If you just need to reserve the available quantities in any warehouses, click the the Fill by All Warehouses button  button to let the application reserve the inventory items. automatically distribute the item quantity between the warehouses. However, you can edit the quantities to be reserved in each warehouse.

After you created a list of items to be reserved in the company's warehouses, click the the Create Inventory Reserve Document button  button to create an inventory reservation  Inventory Reserve document.

The resulting read-only list of reserved inventory items will become available on the the Reserved Inventory tab  tab of the customer order in the Inventory Reserve document.  
 For details on canceling the reservation, refer to Canceling an Inventory Reserve.