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If when reviewing the current report data or preparing to generate a report, you want to filter the data, rearrange it, add or remove columns, use the Quick Setting pane.

Make sure that the Quick Settings pane (to the right) is open; if it's hidden, click the Quick Settings button to open the pane. Image Removed

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Figure 1. The Quick Setting pane. An example of using the Filters control

A Quick Settings pane may include the following optional controls: (may include - может, но не обязательно, включает; optional - необязательные элементы)

  • Period: Two date fields which you can use to set a date range to select only the data related to specific time interval.
  • On Date: The date for which the data is collected or calculated.
  • Parameters: Can be presented as check boxes for selecting various options or fields for selecting specific objects. By selecting parameters, you can narrow the scope of data in the report.
  • Filters: By using filters, you can select a single or multiple specific system objects or master records to show in the report only the data associated with them.
  • Group by: By using controls of this type, you can rearrange data in the report and add or remove levels of details.
  • Selected Fields: By using controls of this type you can remove or add report-specific columns (fields) to the report print form.

Setting up Filters

Click Filters to make the filters available. You can select any combination of filters to include into the report only the data that you need at the moment.
To set a specific filter—for instance, Company—add companies whose data you need to view.

If you need to add only one company for filtering, click the button. This opens the Companies list from which you can select one company.
To be able to select and add multiple companies at once, click the Pick button. This opens the Companies list from which you can select as many companies as you want. You can view a filter with multiple companies on the screenshot above (Figure 1).
Once you select a company or companies, the Company check box becomes selected to indicate that this filter is active. To delete a company from the list, click the button.
To cancel filtering by companies, clear the Company check box (the filter's text box will keep the list of companies until you change it).
The functionality of other filters is similar to that of the Company filter.

Using Groups

If you want to rearrange the data in the report, click Group By to make the grouping parameters available.

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Figure 2. An example of using the Group by control
Select the grouping options (by selecting the corresponding check boxes) from the list of options available for the report. To change the order of options, use the blue arrows ( and ) to the right of the field.

For example, in the screeenshot screenshot above (Figure 2), according to order of the grouping options, for each item all the warehouses in which the item has non-zero balance are listed. If you need to view which items each warehouse holds, move the Warehouse option up in the Group by list. If you clear the check box for Item, the warehouses with total inventory balances will be listed, which no details in items. If you clear the check box for Warehouse, the resulting report will list items with their balances.

There can be more than two options in the Group by list. The grouping is performed starting from the selected option which is the lowest in the list.

Selecting the Fields

Click Selected Fields to open the list of columns/fields that either can be shown in the report or excluded. To include specific columns/ fields in the report, make sure that check boxes for these columns/ fields are selected. To exclude (hide) specific columns/ fields, clear the check boxes for these columns/ fields. Image Removed

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Figure 3. An example of using the Selected Fields control

For example, in the screenshot above (Figure 3), there are multiple columns which you can hide or show. If you clear check boxes for some options in the Selected Fields list, the corresponding columns will not show up in the report. If you clear a check box for a group of columns (as Amount in the Figure 3), you will hide all three columns (Estimated / Actual / Variance) in the Amount group of columns.