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On this form, the following fields are required: Entity, Cash Account, Cash Flow Item, Amount, Currency and Bank Account.

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The "Money Transfer (create)" form


In the Transfer Fee (AED) field, you can specify the amount of fee for the money transfer. The fee is considered as included in the issued amount. If the fee is changed, the received amount is automatically recalculated in the Transfer to section.

In the Transaction Content field, provide any relevant description which will be used for posting.

In the Comment text box, you can specify some additional information about this document.

The reconciliation status of the document appears in the upper right corner of the form if the Bank Statement Reconciliations option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form and the Reconcile Bank Statements option is selected in any of the bank account master records.  For a new document, the default status is Unmatched; after the Bank Reconciliation document (in which any transaction of this transfer was matched to a bank transaction) was posted, reconciliation status may change to Partly Matched or Matched.

For documents with the Partly Matched or Matched reconciliation status, the Unmatch button appears to the right of status, so that you can click it to undo matching of this document to the bank statement transaction(s).

The Transfer To section

Using the Bank Account and Cash Account radio buttons, select the type of account to be used as a destination of the transfer.
