Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Appearance: Use this tab to select the required formatting parameters and specify their values.
  • Conditions: On this tab, set the conditions for applying the formatting.
  • Formatted fields: Here, specify the "target" fields (columns) to apply conditional formatting.

The Edit conditional appearance item dialog box


  • Align left: To align the text in the field to the left side.
  • Align right: To align the text in the field to the right side.
  • Align center: To align the text in the field symmetrically with respect to center.
  • Justify: To align the text to both the left and right sides by adding extra spaces as needed.


This parameter allows you to change formats for specific data types: Number, Date, and Boolean.
Click in the Value column, then click (that appears to the right in the field) to open the Format string wizard dialog box. This wizard allows you to create a Format string that defines formats for specific data types: Number, Date, and Boolean.

First of all, you need to select the locale in the Language (Country) field. This parameter defines which options are available for the mentioned data types in the selected language and country.

The Format string wizard. The Number tab (general view)


The screenshot below presents an example of number formatting –  a sample is shown in the lower part of the dialog box.
The text box at the bottom contains a format string to be used by the Format function of the application.

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The Format string wizard. The Number tab (Format string)


You can use the Date tab to specify the formats to be used for dates and time.

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The Format string wizard. The Date tab


Use the Boolean tab to specify the format of Boolean values: False and True.

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The Format string wizard. The Boolean tab


  • String: To enter an auxiliary string to be shown as the values of specific fields (defined by conditions).
  • Data composition field: Selecting this option opens the Select fields dialog box from which you can choose the fields which values will be shown in list's specific fields (defined by conditions).

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The Select Data type dialog box
