The Appearance tab of the Edit conditional appearance item dialog box provides various formatting options that can be applied to a list of items or documents.
The Edit conditional appearance item dialog box has the following three tabs:
- Appearance: Use this tab to select the required formatting parameters and specify their values.
- Conditions: On this tab, set the conditions for applying the formatting.
- Formatted fields: Here, specify the "target" fields (columns) to apply conditional formatting.
The Edit conditional appearance item dialog box
The Appearance tab contains a list of available formatting parameters with the selected values. The possible use of these parameters is described in the sections below.
Background color
This option allows you to select a specific background color for target fields (or all fields) on defined conditions.
Click in the Value column, then click (that appears to the right in the field) to open the Select Color dialog box. In the dialog box, you can select the background color to be applied on conditions specified on the Conditions tab to the target fields specified on the Formatted Fields tab. Also, you can view the colors assigned to other elements of user interface and choose to apply such colors.
The Select Color dialog box
Text Color
This parameter allows you to change the text color and background color for toolbar buttons, dialog boxes, fields under editing,
Click in the Value column, then click (that appears to the right in the field) to open the Select Color dialog box. In the dialog box, you can select the text color to be applied on conditions specified on the Conditions tab to the target fields specified on the Formatted Fields tab. Also, you can view the colors assigned to other elements of user interface.
This parameter can be used to change the font of specific fields once defined conditions are met. Click in the Value column, then click
(that appears to the right in the field) to open the Select font dialog box. You can specify the font, size, and select additional emphasis option (Bold, Italic, Underscore, or Strike-out).
The Select Font dialog box
In the Preview box in the lower part of this dialog box, you can view an example of text with the selected font options.
Horizontal position
This formatting parameter controls how the text is aligned within the field. Click in the Value column to open the drop-down list of options:
- Align left: To align the text in the field to the left side.
- Align right: To align the text in the field to the right side.
- Align center: To align the text in the field symmetrically with respect to center.
- Justify: To align the text to both the left and right sides by adding extra spaces as needed.
Click in the Value column, then click
(that appears to the right in the field) to open the Format string wizard dialog box. This wizard allows you to create a Format string that contains formats for specific data types: Number, Date, and Boolean.First of all, you need to select the locale in the Language (Country) field. This parameter defines which options are available for the mentioned data types in the selected language and country.
The Format string wizard. The Number tab (general view)
The wizard includes the following three tabs:
- Number: for selecting formats of numbers
- Date: for choosing date presentation
- Boolean: for selecting presentation of Boolean values
Click the tab that you need and specify the data format. The Example fields allows you to preview the data formatted using the specified options. A text box at the bottom of the dialog box displays the resulting format string.
If you leave some of the fields blank, the default values will be used.
When you click OK, the format string is recorded to the Format property.
You can edit the format string in the text box manually.
The Number tab
In the Length (ND - in the Format string) field, you can specify the total number of digits displayed for both integer and fractional parts. Rounding in the fractional part is performed according to the 1.5 as 2 rule. If this parameter is selected, the Precision parameter is required (otherwise fractional part will not be displayed).
Use the Precision (NFD - in the Format string) field to specify the number of digits in the fractional part. The source number is rounded according to the 1.5 as 2 rule.
You can use the Shift (NS- in the Format string) field to represent for example large amounts as measured in thousands or millions. In other words, the source number is multiplied or divided by 10**C, where C is the value of this parameter (C can be a negative integer).
In the Decimal Separator (NDS- in the Format string) field, enter a symbol to be used for separating integer and fractional parts of numbers. Abbreviation in round brackets, NDS, is used to designate this type of formatting in the Format string.
Use the Group Separator (NGS- in the Format string) field to enter a symbol to be used as a group separator of the groups of digits in the integer part of a number. If you specify a blank string, or a simple space, a nonbreaking space will be used as a separator.
Select the Output Leading zeros (NLZ - in the Format string) check box if you want to display zeros in front of numbers that takes less positions than Length - Precision.
Use the Presentation of zero (NZ - in the Format string) field to specify a string that represents a zero number. If not specified, the zero number is not shown (shown as a blank string). The following options are available: "-", Zero, Empty, Absent. Not applicable to numeric input fields.
Use the Grouping field (NG - in the Format string) to define how to group number's digits. The following options are available:
- 3 - to represent 123456789 as 123 456 789.
- 3, 2 - to represent 123456789 as 12 34 56 789
- 3, 2, 0 - works the same as 3, 2. The value is a sequence of comma-separated numbers telling the format function how many digits have to be in each group from right to left. The format function uses only the first two numbers of the parameter. The first number of the parameter defines how many digits go in the first (rightmost) group of the number. If the second number of the parameter is not specified, the rest of the number's digits won't be grouped. If the second number of the parameter is set to 0, all number's digits will be split into groups of the same size (the one that set by the first number of the parameter). If the second number is not 0, it will define the size of all groups except for the rightmost one.
If the parameter contains more than two number, they are ignored.
Use the Negative number presentation (NN- in the Format string) field to specify how negative numbers should be presented. The following options are available:
- 0 - to show negative 1.1 as (1.1)
- 1 - to show negative 1.1 as -1.1
- 2 - to show negative 1.1 as - 1.1
- 3 - to show negative 1.1 as 1.1-
- 4 - to show negative 1.1 as 1.1 -
In the Number formatting template (NF- in the Format string) field, select the template to be used as number format. The template is not applied to number 0.
Use the N character as the default value.
The screenshot below presents an example of number formatting – a sample is shown in the lower part of the dialog box.
The text box at the bottom contains a format string to be used by the Format function of the application.
The Format string wizard. The Number tab (Format string)
The Example fields allows you to preview a number formatted using the specified options. A text box at the bottom of the dialog box displays the resulting format string. If you leave some of the fields blank, the default values will be used.
The Date tab
You can use the Date tab to specify the formats to be used for dates and time.
The Format string wizard. The Date tab
Use the Date format (DF- in the Format string) field to specify the format of date presentation. You can select from the following options:
- 14.06.23 (dd.MM.yy) - day, month with leading zeros, year without century.
- 14.06.2023 (dd.MM.YYYY) - day, month with leading zeros, year with century.
- 14.6.23 (d/M/yy) - day, month without leading zeros, year without century.
- 2023-06-15 (yyyy-MM-dd) - year with century, day and month with leading zeros.
Use the Local date format (DLF- in the Format string) field to specify the local date and time format:
- 6/14/2023 (D) - day and month without leading zeros and year with the century.
- June 14, 2023 (DD) - Long date (month is spelled out).
- 6/14/2023 11:59:31 AM (DT) - Date and time time.
- June 14, 2023 6/14/2023 (DDT) - Long Date and time.
- 11:59:31 AM (T) - 12-hour time presentation; It is only valid for languages supporting this time format.
In the Blank Date Presentation (DE- in the Format string) field choose one of the following options to be used if there is no date:
- "-"
- No date
- Empty Date
The Example fields allows you to preview the date formatted using the specified options. A text box at the bottom of the dialog box displays the resulting format string.
The Boolean tab
Use the Boolean tab to specify the format of Boolean values: False and True.
The Format string wizard. The Boolean tab
Use the Boolean presentation. True field to select how True will be designated: True, Yes, Included.
Use the Boolean presentation. False field to select how False will be designated, you can select from the following options: False, No, Disabled.
To apply the formatting, select the corresponding check boxes.
Mark negatives
If a check box for this parameter is selected, and Yes is selected as value, the negative amounts or quantities will be specially marked. You can select a background color and font color for entire rows with negative values or for particular fields by using the Select Color dialog box. Also, you can set up format for presenting negative values by using the Format string wizard dialog box.
This formatting parameter allows you to substitute some of the field values. Click in the Value column to open the drop-down list of options:
- String: To enter an auxiliary string to be shown as the values of specific fields (defined by conditions).
- Data composition field: Selecting this option opens the Select fields dialog box from which you can choose the fields which values will be shown in list's specific fields (defined by conditions).
The Select Data type dialog box
This formatting parameter controls whether the list items are visible. Click in the Value column to open the drop-down list of options:
- Yes: (Default option) To make the list items visible once specific conditions are met.
- No: To hide the list items on specific conditions.
This formatting parameter controls whether the fields are accessible. Click in the Value column to open the drop-down list of options:
- Yes: To make the fields accessible on the specified conditions.
- No: To make the fields disabled on the specified conditions.
This formatting parameter controls whether the fields will be shown. Click in the Value column to open the drop-down list of options:
- Yes: To make the fields visible on the specified conditions.
- No: To hide the fields on the specified conditions.
Separator of multiple values
This parameter is the symbol that is used for separation of multiple values. You can replace the symbol with another one directly in the Value column.