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To add a money transfer, click the "Create" button on the toolbar of the respective document list. To edit the existing one, double click the line with its name. You can also select the line, press the "More" button (in the upper right corner) and click "Edit" in the drop-down list. You can right-click the line instead of clicking the "More" button.

Please, complete the required Entity, Bank Account or Petty CashThis tab provides general information on a funds transfer: bank and cash accounts involved in the transaction, basis document, amount, date, and so forth.

On this tab, the following fields are required: Entity, Cash Account, Cash Flow Item, Amount, Currency field for both a remitter (transfer from) and recipient (transfer to). "Transfer from": a bank or petty cash for money write off. "Transfer to": a bank or petty cash for money receipt.Image Removed and Bank Account.

Image Added
The "Money Transfer (create)" form

Number is <Auto> in the Number field indicates that a number to this document will be assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can change itselect another date, if necessary.

Current date is set in a money transfer by default. You can change it, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select an entity of your company for which this document is being prepared. The Entity field is displayed, available if the "Accounting by Several Companies" option in the "Enterprise" section is enabled. To learn more about section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Enterprise' section. Value is automatically set from the Personal Settings or the system.

In the Basis field you can manually select "Money Transfer (Plan)", "Payment Receipt" or "Petty Cash Receipt". It may also be filled in automatically, if the receipt is based on one of these documents. To refill the money transfer by the basis, click the "Fill by basis" button Image Removed located to the right of the field.

Before filling in the basic data, select a remitter and recipient type, using appropriate switchers. It can be Non-Cash or Cash. Fields for completion are displayed according to the selected type.

They are the same for Transfer From and Transfer To fields.

In the Bank Account field, specify the account for money transfer. This field is available, if you use "Non-Cash" as a remitter/recipient type. In an account is changed, the currency in filled in from a bank account, and the cross-rate is recalculated according to the currency rate of the system for the document date. The currency rate must be previously set in the system.

In the Petty Cash field, specify a petty cash for the money transfer. If a petty cash is changed, and its currency is different from the document currency, the system asks, whether you want to set a default petty cash currency. In the currency is changed, the cross-rate is recalculated according to the currency rate of the system for the document date. The currency rate must be previously set in the system.

In Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on: Administration > Settings> General Settings. You can select your personal default entity to appear in documents that you create; for this, refer to Personal Settings. If you have not selected your default entity, the entity defined first will be used as the system default value.

The Basis field is auto-populated if this document was created on the basis of a document of the following types: Bank Receipt, Cash Receipt, Money Transfer (Plan). If needed, you can manually select the basis document from the list of available documents (for this, click Show all from the drop-down list). Once the basis document is selected, the data is copied to this transfer. If, after you edited the transfer document, you want to cancel the edits, click the Fill in button – the details from the basis document will be copied to the transfer document.

The Transfer From section

Using the Bank Account and Cash Account radio buttons, select the type of account to be used as a source of funds.

In the Bank Account field or Cash Account field (one of which appears according to the selected option), select the particular account of the selected type.

To be able later to analyze the cash flows, in the Cash Flow Item field, specify the cash expense (income) itemflow item used for funds transfers.By default, the "it is Cash Transfer" cash flow item is set.

Specify In the Amount to transfer. If you specified the amount for the remitter, the amount for recipient and transfer fee are calculated automatically in consideration of cross-rate.The Currency field is set automatically, if the bank account or petty cash is already selected. If a petty cash is selected, you can change the currency. In the currency is changed, the cross-rate is recalculated according to the currency rate of the system for the document date. The currency rate must be previously set in the system. The rate and currency factor in relation to the accounting currency is displayed on the right of the Currency field, specify the amount to be transferred form the selected account. The default currency of the amount is the currency of the source bank/cash account. The current exchange rate for the currency with respect to the national currency is shown to the right of the field.

The Cross-Rate is calculated automatically according to the currency rate of a remitter and recipient. If any of currencies, amounts or field shows the calculated coefficient based on the exchange rates of the currency of the source account, the currency of the destination account, and the transfer fee.

If any of exchange rates, amounts, or the fees are changed, the value in the field is recalculated. If the cross-rate is changed, the received amount and transfer fee are recalculated.

The Use the In. Doc. #: and From: fields must be completed manually according to bank documents data. These fields are available, if a bank is selected for fields (which appear if Bank Account is selected as a source) to enter the attributes of the bank document supporting the transfer.

In the Transfer Fee (AED) field, you can specify the amount of fee for the money transfer. A The fee is considered as included in the write off issued amount. If it changesthe fee is changed, the received amount is automatically recalculated in the "Transfer to" column section.



Transfer To section

Using the Bank Account and Cash Account radio buttons, select the type of account to be used as a destination of the transfer.

In the Bank Account field or Cash Account field (one of which appears according to the selected option), select the particular account of the selected type for receiving the funds.

To be able later to analyze the cash flows, in the Cash Flow Item field, specify the cash flow item used for funds transfers. By default, it is Cash Transfer.

The Amount field shows the amount to be received in the currency of the selected cash or bank account. The current exchange rate for the currency with respect to the national currency is shown to the right of the field. The receives amount is calculated based on the issued amount, exchange rates of the currencies involved, and the transfer fee.

The Cross-Rate field shows the calculated coefficient based on the exchange rates of the currency of the destination account, the currency of the source account, and the transfer fee.

If any of exchange rates, amounts, or the fee are changed, the value in the field is recalculated. If the cross-rate is changed, the Issued amount and transfer fee are recalculated.

Use the In. Doc. # and From fields (which appear if Bank Account is selected as a destination) to enter the attributes of the bank document supporting the transfer.

The Department field shows the default department. You can select another department to which the transfer fee will be recorded.

In the Business Activity field, specify the business activity to which this transfer is related.

In the Expenses GL Account field, specify an account to attribute record the fee expenses. This field is available, if a transfer fee is specified.expense.

In the Expense Item field, specify an item to show fee expense item for analysis of expenses in the system. This field is available, if a transfer fee is specified.

In the Comment field text box, you can specify some additional information on this transfer.

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The completed 'Money Transfer (create)' form

Current status of the document can be displayed at the bottom of the money transfer form: "New" (document was created, but not recorded), "Not Posted" (document was recorded, but not posted), "Posted" (document was posted) or "Marked for Deletion" (document was marked to be deleted). The document author is also displayed.

After completing the form, click the "Save" button to save the applied changes without posting, the "Post and close" button to post and close the document or "Post" to post the document without closing it. When saving a new item, the system will assign it a unique number that can be edited

The toolbar buttons

After entering some data on the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to save and post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post, and close the document.

For descriptions of other buttons, see Document Toolbar.