Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Customer Order Adjustment: To register any changes to an order without changing the original document. You can adjust only the lines with goods not yet invoiced (shipped).
  • Payment Terms Adjustment: To adjust previously agreed payment terms, if necessary.
  • Invoice: To register the amount of goods shipped to the customer. If you have multiple customer orders of the same customer, you can create a summary invoice. For this, select specific customer orders in the list and on the toolbar click Generate > Invoice.
  • Purchase Order: To indicate that the goods requested by a customer should be purchased.
  • Production Order: To indicate that the goods requested by a customer should be manufactured first.
  • Goods Dispatch Note: To issue the inventory for fulfilling the order from the warehouse where warehouse documents are used separately from financial documents. This type of documents is available if the Separate Inventory and Financial Documents option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.
  • Cash Receipt: To register a cash received from the customer for the customer order or multiple orders.
  • Bank Receipt: To register a bank payment received from the customer.
  • Cheque Received: To register a cheque received from the customer.
  • Inventory Reserve: To indicate to the system that the ordered products must be reserved in the warehouses for the selected order or multiple orders.
  • Inventory Reserve(Cancel): To indicate to the system that the reservation of the ordered products is cancelled.
  • Proforma Invoice: To provide the customer with the preliminary invoice which contains the delivery details.
  • Money Receipt (Plan): To plan payments to be received from the customer for the delivery of the ordered goods and services.
  • Invoice Received (Return from Contract Warehouse): An Invoice Received can be generated to register the return of the goods after storage in a third-party contract warehouse.
  • Phased Revenue Recognition: To recognize a specific percentage of the revenue that matches the costs incurredrevenues and costs incurred during completion of project or long-term contract. This option is available if the Enable the Phased Revenue Recognition functionality is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form.

The toolbar buttons

To manually create a new document of the Customer Order type, click the Create button on the toolbar. 
