Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


As the list is populated, you can change its display settings. Click More actions on the toolbar and select Configure list. For more information on the list settings, see Working with the item list. You can filter the list by entity, department, employee, warehouse, or workwear / tool type - for this, use the fields on the top of the form.

The toolbar buttons

To create a new document, click Create on the toolbar (for more details, refer to Creating a Workwear and Tools Issue).


For description of other buttons, refer to List Toolbar.

Creating a Workwear and Tools Issue. The Main tab
Fixed Asset Monthly Usage Documents
To access the Fixed Asset Monthly Usage document list, go to Accounting > Fixed Assets > Fixed Asset Monthly Usage. Documents of this type provide information on monthly usage for the fixed assets with the Units of Production depreciation method.
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The Fixed Asset Monthly Usage document list
The Fixed Asset Monthly Usage includes all the Fixed Asset Monthly Usage documents available in the system. If you don't see a specific document, rearrange the list by date or document number. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the list display settings, see Working with the item list.

The toolbar buttons


The document totals and other Information


  • New (document was created, but not recorded to the database)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)


The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to save, post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post, and close the document.
For descriptions of other buttons, see Document Toolbar.
Anchor_Toc95122374_Toc95122374 Creating a Fixed Asset Monthly Usage. The Fixed Assets tab
On this tab, you can specify the monthly usage for the fixed assets with the Units of Production depreciation method.
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The "Fixed Asset Monthly Usage (create)" form. The Fixed Assets tab
Click Add on the tab toolbar to append a line to the document.
In the Fixed Asset column, select the fixed asset being used in this month.
The UOM column is populated with the UOM for measuring usage.
In the Quantity column, you can enter the usage in the specified UOM.
Creating a Workwear and Tools Issue. The Workwear and Tools tab
You can use this tab to provide a list of workwear items and tools for issuing to employees of specific department and specific entity.
The list is populated based on the particular Workwear and Tools Request / Requests selected on the Main tab, or it can be populated by using one of the Fill options.

The "Workwear and Tools Issues (create)" form. The Workwear and Tools tab
To populate the list, click the Fill button on the tab toolbar and select one of the following options:


Alternatively, you can manually add the tools and workwear items to be issued to some employees. For this, click Add to add a new line to the document.
In the Employee column, select an employee who needs certain workwear or tools.
In the Position column, select a position of this employee.
In the Workwear/Tool Type column, select a specific type of tools or workwear (actually, a category).
In the Item column, select a specific workwear or tool of the selected type.
Make sure that if the selected item is of any workwear category with defined characteristics, the Characteristic column is populated with the particular size of the employee specified for workwear of this type (category).
In the Quantity column, check that item quantity is calculated correctly according to the usage rate of the item. The UOM column is populated with the UOM associated with the item. You can edit the quantity.
The Qty in Use column shows the quantity of the selected item that is currently in use by this employee.
The Excess Qty column shows the quantity of the selected item that is currently in use by this employee in excess of the usage rate.
The Usage Rate column specifies the quantity of the item that must be issued simultaneously.

Use the Project Task column to associate the request with a particular task of the project specified on the Main tab. If all items in the list are associated with the same task, consider moving this column as a field to the Main tab by using the Settings button on the toolbar.

Creating a Workwear and Tools Issue. The Additional Information tab
This tab can be used for providing any useful additional information about this issue.
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The "Workwear and Tools Issues (create)" form. The Additional Information tab
In the Responsible field, specify an employee who is responsible for this issue.
In the Transaction Remarks, enter any information that may prove useful.