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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To add the items' price type, press the ‘Create’ button on the toolbar of the respective catalog. To edit the existing one, double click the line with its name. You can also select the line, press the ‘More’ button (in the upper right corner) and click ‘Edit’ in the drop-down list. You can right-click the line instead of pressing the ‘More’ button.

In the Items' On the Item Price Type (create) form there are two required fields: Description and Price Currency. The national currency specified in the ‘Money’ section is used by default (see par. Settings for the 'Money' section). You can change it by selecting another currency in the drop-down list. If the required currency is not in the list, please see Completing the 'Currencies' catalog

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Items' Price Type (create) form

Image Added
The "Item Price Type (create)" form

In the Description field, provide a brief description of the item price type that will be used to identify the price type in drop-down lists for selection.

<Auto> in the Code field indicates that the system will assign a unique identifier to the new item price type once you save it.

The Price Currency field is available if the Manually option is selected in the Price Calculation Method field. Use this field to specify the currency in which the prices of this type will be set. By default, the national currency appears in the field. If the prices of this type will include VAT, select the Price Includes VAT option.

In the Price Calculation Method field, you can select one of the following valuesmethods:


  • or imported from a file. The price type with such calculation method can be used as a basis for calculating prices of other price types.
  • Manually Manually (Based on Another Price Type): The prices are calculated


  • automatically based on another (


  • base) type using the rule you set (


  • for instance, with 50% increase, with 10% decrease). The calculation process is launched manually



  • .
  • The system saves the generated prices so that the price type with such calculation method can be used as a basis for calculating other price types.


  • Notice that if


  • the prices of the price type served as the base were changed, the system will not



  • .
  • Dynamically


  • : The prices are calculated based on another (


  • base) price type.


  • The system


  • automatically calculates the


  • prices for documents based on


  • the latest changes of the prices of the base price type. However, the prices of this type are not listed in any document (price list) and cannot be used as a base for calculating prices of any other price type.

The Base Price Type field is available if the Manually (Based on Another Price Type) or Dynamically option is selected. In this field, you can select the base price type to be used for calculating prices of the current price type.

In the Markup, % field (which is available for the same options). you can set the percent of increase/decrease for price calculation.

Use the Rounding Precision field to instruct the system to which precision to use for calculating prices of this type.

In the Round Up filed, specify how exactly the prices must be rounded.

Use the Price List Format field to specify the format of the price presentation in price lists and view the sample formatting in the adjacent Format Example field (to the right).

Use the Additional Information text box to provide more details on price type usage.

Click the Save button to save the new price type or the Save and close button to save the price type and close the form.