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On You can use this tab , you can specify additional to specify payment and delivery terms for a quotation. the quotation and the period during which the offer is valid.

There are no required fields.You

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The "Quotation (create)" form. The Additional Information tab

In the In. Doc.# field, you can select the leadinternal document, on which the quotation was based on, in the Lead field, if the ‘CRM’ section is enabled. To learn more about section settings, see par. Settings for the 'CRM' section.

Payment Terms are selected from the Sales Payment Terms Types catalog. Select terms you offer to the customer. If terms were defined in the company's contract or specified in the Personal Settings, they are completed automatically. They will be used in the document print forms.

Delivery Terms are selected from the Delivery Terms catalog. They will be used in the document print forms.

Delivery Address is filled in automatically based on the company data. You is based, for instance a lead or project.

The Payment Terms field is populated with the default sales payment terms specified in the customer master record. If needed, you can select another payment terms from the list of available sales payment terms. To open the, click the Show all hyperlink in the drop-down list.

In the Delivery Terms field, you can specify the delivery terms on which the goods will be delivered to the customer. You can select them from the available delivery terms or create new ones.

The Delivery Address field is populated automatically based on the company master record. You can change the address, if necessary. Delivery address will be used in the document print forms.

In the the Department field  field, you can specify sales the department of the entity . To open the departments list, click the ‘Show all’ hyperlink in the drop-down list. This field is displayed, if the ‘Accounting by Several Departments (Two or More)’ option in the ‘Enterprise’ section is enabled. To learn more about section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Enterprise' section. This field can be automatically filled in according to the Personal Settings.

In the Responsible field you can define the person, responsible for the quotation. You can select this person from the employees catalog (to open the catalog, select ‘Show all’ from the drop-down list). This field can be automatically filled in according to the Personal Settings.

Use the Valid From / To field to fix the period of offer and prices validity.

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‘Quotation (create)’ form. The ‘Additional Information’ tab

Current status the document can be displayed at the bottom of the quotation form: ‘New’ (document was created, but not recorded), ‘Recorded’ (document was recorded) or ‘Marked for Deletion’ (document was marked to be deleted). The document author and total due are also displayed.

After completing the form, click ‘Save and close’ or ‘Save’ to save the applied changes. When saving a new item, the system will assign it a unique number that can be editedthat is responsible for the deal.

In the Responsible field, you can select the employee responsible for the quotation.

Use the Valid From and To fields to specify the period during which this offer is effective.