Problem: How to pay advance to Employee?

Solution: Use Cash Payment or Payroll Sheet as shown.

It's possible to pay advance to employee as
Bank Payment
Cash Payment


1. Create Payroll Sheet (HP & Payroll > Payroll Documents > Payroll Sheets).
    Put Department, Registration Period and Transaction Type as Advance at Main tab of the document:

Please find more information here 10.3.2. Payroll Sheets

2. Add Employee at the Employee tab and set Amount of advance:

3. Post document and Generate a payment on its basis:

Please see more information here Bank Payments (Salary)

4. Transaction Type and Basis in Bank Payment document is populated automatically:

5. Find paid advance in Settlements with Employee report or Employee Earnings and Deductions report (HR & Payroll > Reports):

6. At the end of the month, create Payroll Calculation document as usual (see more here 10.3.1. Payroll Calculations and generate Payroll Sheet on its basis:

7. At Employee tab, press Fill Employees > By Balance to adjust accrued amount on the amount of advance:

Create a payment document as usual.
Please watch the video How to pay Employee Monthly Net Salary

8. In this way, Salary will be paid to the Employee in two parts, fully as shown in the report:

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Please watch the video How to record Advance salary payment

1. Create Cash Payment document with Transaction Type > Salary for Employee:

Please find more information here Cash Payments (Salary for Employee)

Note If you need to pay an advance in cash to several employees, please use the Payroll Sheet as shown for Bank Payment.

2. At Payment Details tab, add Registration Period and Department:

3. Find paid advance in Settlements with Employee report or Employee Earnings and Deductions report (HR & Payroll > Reports):

4. At the end of the month, generate Payroll Calculation and Payroll Sheet as usual.
    Please watch the video How to pay Employee Monthly Net Salary
At Employee tab of Payroll Sheet, press Fill Employees > By Balance to adjust accrued amount on the amount of advance:

Create a payment document as usual.
Please watch the video How to pay Employee Monthly Net Salary

5. In this way, Salary will be paid to the Employee in two parts, fully as shown in the report:

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