This tab is used to enter the estimates of overhead costs for the project. This tab is available if the estimation method is Independent Calculation of Costs and Revenues.

To allocate the overhead costs, use the Allocate Overhead Costs button on the toolbar of the Revenues and Costs tab.

The "Project Estimates (create)" form. The Overheads tab

Click Add to add a new overhead cost associated with the project.

The overhead costs are presented for different combinations (sets) of the following analytical parameters (the same parameters as used for this project's cost estimations):

  • Expense Item: (Required) The Expense Item column is always available.
  • Project Task: (available if the Enable Project Tasks option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form) To be able to set revenue estimates detailed to tasks.
  • Cost Element: To be able to view project costs detailed to cost elements which you can select from the Employees, Fixed Assets, and Items lists. Selecting this option brings up the following columns: Item, Quantity, Prices Include VAT, and Price.
  • Company: To be able to view project costs by supplier company and its contract.
  • Business Activity: To be able to view project costs by business activity.
  • Department: To be able to view project costs by department.

If you need to specify overhead cost estimates by item (as cost element), in the Item column, select a particular item, select the UOM, and specify its quantity required for the project in the Quantity column. If the price does not appear automatically, enter the price and indicate whether the price includes VAT by using the appropriate Prices Include VAT check box.

For an employee selected as cost element, you can enter the Amount, or you can provide more details, such as worked hours in the Quantity column and the daily salary in the Price column.

The VAT,% column is populated with the percent of VAT applicable to the overhead cost. You can change the rate if needed.

The Amount Excl. VAT column shows the total amount of this overhead cost without VAT amount. This amount will be allocated to project estimates.

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