On this tab, you can view the cost sources matching the conditions specified on the Allocation Sources tab and the allocation results based on the rules from the Allocation Base tab.

This tab includes the following two panes:

  • WIP for Allocation: Click the Fill and Allocate button to populate the list of costs and expenses for which no Cost Object was specified and which were selected to be allocated.
  • Allocation Results: This pane shows how the costs and expenses are distributed between Costs Objects. By default, the Show the Allocation Results only for the Selected Row option at the form bottom is selected, and only costs allocated for the row highlighted in the upper pane are shown. You can clear the check box for the Show the Allocation Results only for the Selected Row option to view all the allocated costs at once.

The WIP Allocation by Cost Object (create) form. The Allocation tab

WIP Costs for Allocation

To automatically populate the table, click the Fill and Allocate button.

Alternative, you can manually pick the costs. Click the Pick WIP Costs button to select multiple costs or click Add to add costs one by one.

In the Expense Item column (which is available if the Detailing to Expense Item option is selected on the Allocation Base tab), select the expense item whose cost will be allocated.

The Expense Item column shows the expense item to which the cost was assigned.

In the Cost Element column, specify the particular item as a cost element.

Use the Characteristic column to specify the subset of the item.

The Quantity column shows the quantity of the item assigned to the expense item.

The Unit Cost (Acct. Cur.) column shows the price of the purchased item in the accounting currency.

The Amount (Acct. Cur.) column shows the cost amount in the accounting currency.

The Department column shows the department related to purchased item.

Click the link in the GL Accounts column to open the GL Accounts dialog box.

The GL Accounts dialog box

Make sure that correct GL account will be used for this transaction. If needed, replace the default account with another GL account from the same COA section.

When done, click OK to save the account and close the dialog box.

The pane toolbar buttons

If you need to manually add a cost, click the Add button.

Click the Pick Work in Progress button to select for correction or adjustment one or more costs recorded to the WIP accounts.

The Fill and Allocate button initiates the allocation calculation.

Use the Up and Down () buttons to rearrange the items in the list.

Allocation Results

This pane shows the results of allocation. If the Show Allocation Results for the Selected Row option is selected at the form bottom, the pane contains only costs allocated for the expense item selected in the upper pane. You can clear the check box for the Show Allocation Results for the Selected Row option to view all the allocation results at once.

If you need to split the costs between multiple Cost Objects, click the Split Row button as many times as you need and then edit the data.

The Cost Object column shows the Cost Object which was the target of allocation.

The Coefficient column shows the coefficient used for allocating the particular cost to this Cost Object.

The Quantity column shows the quantity of the cost allocated to the Cost Object.

In the Unit Cost (Acct. Cur.) column shows the cost of one unit of the item in the accounting currency for the allocated cost.

The Amount (Acct. Cur.) column shows the cost in the accounting currency allocated to this Cost Object.

In the Transaction Content column, you can enter a description for journal entries generated for this allocation.

The pane toolbar buttons

Click the Split Row () button to copy the selected cost (row). Then you can split the quantities and amounts between multiple rows.
Use the Up and Down () buttons to rearrange the items in the list.

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