On this tab, you can provide the details of the settlement from the customer-side.

The Mutual Settlement (create) form. The Accounts Receivable tab

To add multiple documents to the list of customer debt documents, click Pick. The Pick form with the list of debt documents of the customer opens, and you can select particular documents for settlement.

Alternatively, you can manually select debt documents and add them to this document. For this, add a line to the document by clicking Add. Then, select the customer contract and a particular document.

The Contract column shows the contract of the customer.

A check box in the Advance column indicates if the amount is an advance.

The Document column shows the debt document's reference number and the Order and Proforma Invoice columns show the linked documents if any.

The Accounts Amount column shows the open amount of the debt document in the document currency.

The Rate and Factor columns show the exchange rate of the accounting currency with respect to the national currency and the factor used for conversion.

The Amount (Acct. Cur.) column shows the debt amount in the accounting currency. You can edit the amount for the settlement. The amount in the document currency will be recalculated accordingly.

Make sure the GL Accounts column shows the GL account to be updated by the transaction and presented as a link. Click the link to open the GL Accounts dialog box.

The GL Accounts dialog box

Select another GL account if needed. Click OK to save the replaced GL account and close the dialog box.

The tab totals

The Total (Acct. Cur.) field is populated with the total amount in the accounting currency to be used for settlement.

The tab toolbar buttons

Click the Add button to add a line for a list of customer-side documents.

Use the Pick button to add the customer documents.

Use the Up and Down ( ) buttons to rearrange the documents in the list.

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