To use the Requisition Processing service tool, open Purchasing > Service Tools > Requisition Processing.
The Requisition Processing service tool allows you to review the available Requisitions, match the requested items to item master records, the requested quantities of the items to quantities available in warehouses, generate Transfer, or Purchase, or Production Orders.
The Requisition Processing service tool
The form includes the following elements:
- The Requisitions pane with a list of Requisitions, fields for filtering the Requisitions by status, requester, recipient, and entity. Using the toolbar buttons, you can select Requisitions and generate orders of specific types for them.
- The Inventory and Services pane with a toolbar. You can view the items, requested in the Requisitions selected in the Requisitions pane. Using the toolbar buttons, you can select specific items (from those listed in the selected requisitions) for processing.
- The Warehouses informational pane shows the available quantities of the item highlighted in the Inventory and Services pane.
The Requisitions pane
The Requisitions pane includes a number of filter fields, a list of Requisitions, and a toolbar.
The list of Requisitions in the table includes all the Requisitions that met the filtering criteria. If you don't see a specific document, rearrange the list by date or document number or use the filtering fields to change the criteria: status, date, entity, requester, or recipient. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the list display settings, see Working with the item list.
You can the check boxes in the Selected column to select Requisitions for which orders of specific type will be generated.
The Date column shows the date when each Requisition has been created.
The Number column shows the reference numbers of the Requisitions.
The Status column shows the statuses of Requisitions. The statuses provide the following information:
- Draft: This status indicates that the document has been created, can be further changed before posted.
- Waiting for Approval: This status is available if approval of Requisitions is configured. Document with this status has been posted and should be reviewed by an employee authorized to approve documents of this type.
- Waiting for Processing: Document with this status has been posted and approved if approval is configured.
- Partially Ordered: This status indicates that for this document some of the orders have been created.
- Ordered: All required orders have been created for this document.
- Partially Delivered: This status indicates that for this document some of the goods have been delivered.
- Delivered: All items requested in this document have been delivered.
- Denied/Canceled: This status indicates that the document either was not approved or was cancelled by any reason.
- Closed: The document has been closed.
The date in the Required Date column indicates when the goods or services are expected to be delivered.
In the Recipient column, you can view the base units (departments and warehouses) that requested the goods or services.
The Requested by column shows the name of the employee who is responsible for the Requisition.
The Requisitions Pane toolbar
Using the Up and Down (
) toolbar buttons, you can rearrange the documents in the list.Then, you need to select the Requisitions for which fulfillment orders will be generated.
Notice that you can click the Select All (
) button to select all the documents, or click the Clear Selection ( ) button to clear all the selections. Additionally, you can use check boxes in the Selected column to select only specific documents.Click the Generate Orders button to create the orders in accordance with the fulfillment methods in the selected Requisitions:
- Transfer Orders: Will be generated for the selected items in case the fulfillment method for the item is Inventory Transfer.
- Production Orders: Will be generated for the selected items in case the fulfillment method is Production.
- Purchase Orders: Will be generated for the selected items in case the fulfillment method is Purchase.
Alternatively, you can generate orders of particular type for the selected Requisitions. For this, filter the Requisitions by specific entity, click the Generate button and select one of the following options for generation of only orders of this type: Transfer Orders, Production Orders, or Purchase Orders.
To generate related documents of other types, click Generate and select one of the following options:
- Goods Receipt Note: To register the items received to the specified warehouse if it is required for this warehouse to create financial and inventory documents separately.
- Invoice Received: To register the requested items received to the specified warehouse.
- Employee Expense Report: To register the requested items received to the specified warehouse from the employee who purchased them.
- Inventory Transfer: To register the requested items transferred from another base unit.
- Production: To register the items manufactured specially for this Requisition.
- Inventory Reserve: To create reservation at a warehouse for the items listed in this Requisition.
- Inventory Reserve (Cancellation): To cancel reservation for the items listed in this Requisition.
You can click the Requisition Fulfillment Analysis button to generate the corresponding report for the highlighted Requisition; the report opens so that you can view the current details of this requisition fulfillment.
The Requisition Fulfillment Analysis report
The Inventory and Services pane
Using this pane, you can select the items for which new Transfer, Production, or Purchase Orders will be generated.
This pane Includes a toolbar and a table with the list of items requested in the Requisitions (upper) pane.
Note. If you select the Show Items Only for the Selected Requisitions option at the bottom of the form, the list of items in this pane will include only the items from the Requisitions selected in the upper pane. If this option is not selected, the list includes items from all the listed Requisitions.
For an item highlighted in the list, you can view its available quantities at the entity's warehouses – for this, you need to click the Show Balances button.
You can use check boxes in the Selected column to select the items which will be included into generated orders.
The Qty Requested column shows the quantity of the item that was initially requested in the selected Requisitions.
The Qty Unprocessed column shows the item's quantity that remains unprocessed in the selected Requisitions.
The Qty Available column shows the quantity of the requested item that is available at the entity's warehouses.
The Qty to be Processed column shows the quantity of the requested item that will be processed at this iteration.
The Fulfillment Method column shows the method of fulfillment selected for the requested item. You can change the fulfillment method if needed.
Use the Fulfillment Source column to specify the source for the requested item corresponding to the selected fulfillment method.
In the Price column, you can specify the price of the item (in the accounting currency) in the requested source. If price lists are available for the selected supplier, the price will appear automatically being converted into accounting currency.
The Price Includes VAT column indicates whether the item price includes VAT according to the VAT settings of the fulfillment source.
The VAT % column shows the tax rate applicable to the item amount.
The Amount Excl. VAT column shows the item amount excluding VAT.
The VAT Amount column shows the tax amount calculated according to the settings.
The Total column shows the item total amount calculated according to the settings.
Use the Reserve column to indicate whether the specified Qty to be Processed should be reserved at the warehouse for the selected Requisitions.
Use the Project column to specify the project for which the items were requested.
Use the Project Task column to specify the task of the project for which the items were requested.
If the requested quantity is located in multiple warehouses, you can split the document line so that you will be able to specify multiple warehouses as sources of fulfillment.
Make sure that fulfillment sources are specified according to the chosen fulfillment source and availability data where applicable.
The Inventory and Services pane toolbar
You can use the Match to Items button in case the requested items do not have master records - the system will pick items with similar descriptions.
Click the Show Balances button if you want to view the quantities of the item (highlighted in the list) which are available at the entity's warehouses in the Warehouses pane which appears. To hide the Warehouses pane, click the Show Balances button again.
In case you decide to use multiple fulfillment methods or fulfillment sources for any item or transfer this item's specific quantities from multiple warehouses, you can click the Split Line button the corresponding number of times.
The Warehouses informational pane
This pane appears (and disappears) when you click the Show Balances button on Inventory and Services pane's toolbar.
For the item highlighted in the Inventory and Services pane, you can view the item's non-zero balances in the entity's warehouses.