This form can be used for specifying the inventory items or raw materials to be used for manufacturing the finished goods or for disassembly of finished goods down to some inventory items and materials.

Adding an Item. Adding a Specification

In the Finished Good / Set field, select an item that will be manufactured or disassembled.

In the Description field, type a brief description for this specification which will appear in lists for selection.

In the Characteristic field, select a characteristic of the item that will be assembled or disassembled. The field is required if the Use Characteristic option is selected for the item on the Sales > Master Data > Items.

To add a new item to the list, click the Add button.

In the Row Type, you can select the most appropriate option:

  • Goods/Material: To designate that the item will be used in the process of assembly or will be the result of the disassembly process.
  • Node: To designate that the item has a specification and can be composed of other items/materials or can be decomposed in the process of disassembly.
  • Assembly: To designate that the item has a specification and requires assembly.
  • Expense: To designate that the item is an expense, not an inventory item

In the Item column, select a raw material or an inventory item to be used as a component of the finished good or as the result of disassembly.

In the Characteristic column, select a characteristic of the inventory item that will be used for assembly or resulted from disassembly.

In the Quantity column, you can specify the item quantity and in the Unit column, you can select an UOM for the item if the Multiple UOMs per Item option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.

In the Cost Percentage column which is used for the Disassembly transaction only, you can specify the proportion in which the cost of the original finished goods will be shifted to the resulting items.

In the Quantity of Finished Goods column, you can specify for what quantity of the finished goods the specified quantity of the item will be used.

In the Specification column, you can select the specification for the item if the item must be produced (assembled) or disassembled beforehand.

In the GL Accounts column, the default GL accounts involved in this transaction are shown: the inventory account used for the item and the COGS account used in production.

The GL Accounts dialog box

You can replace the specified accounts with other accounts if needed. When done, click OK in the dialog box.

The toolbar buttons

When you completed the specification, click Save to save the current version of the specification, or Save and close to save and close the document.

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