On the Employee Benefit Provision (create) form, you can create a benefit and specify how the expense amounts for this benefit type should be calculated.

On this form, the following fields are required: Description and Calculation Method.

The "Employee Benefit Provision (create)" form

You must select how the amounts for this benefit will be accrued:

  • Fixed Amount: As a fixed amount each month. The particular fixed amounts for employees are specified in the Employment Contracts documents.
  • Percent from Base Accruals: As percentage of the base accruals, a list of which you can create in the table that appears if this option is selected. Here, you must list all the accrual types that can be possibly used for this benefit calculation for all employees. For a particular employee, the particular percent and particular base accrual types are specified in the employee's contract; however, only the accruals listed both in the benefit type and employee contract will be used for calculation.

Note. If the benefit is calculated as percentage of some base accruals, the system will use the accrual amounts of the previous month for payroll calculation.

The toolbar buttons

Click the Save button to save the new record or the Save and close button to save the record and close the form. For description of other buttons, refer to List toolbar.

The default GL accounts are assigned automatically to new benefit provision. To replace the default accounts with other accounts, click the Edit GL Accounts button. This opens the GL Accounts Edit dialog box.

The GL Accounts Edit dialog box

In the Expense GL Account field, you can select an expense account from the chart of accounts that will be used for recording monthly expenses associated with this benefit.

In the GL Account field, you can select a liability account to which the benefit accrued amounts will be recorded.

Click OK to apply the selection and close the dialog box. Click Cancel to discard the changes.

The selected GL accounts will be used as default accounts in the documents which include transactions related to this benefit.

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