On the Work Time Type (create) form, you can add a new type of work time that is used in your company to designate how the employees spend work hours.

On the Work Time Type (create) form there are two required fields: Alphabetic Code (includes letters only) and Numeric Code (includes digits only).

If you enter a two-letter code in the Alphabetic Code field, this code will be used to designate the work time of this type in drop-down lists and document print forms.

The "Work Time Type (create)" form

In the Description field, enter a brief description of the work time type; if available, it will be displayed on the interface instead of the two-letter code, however, in documents only the two-letter code will be used.

Also, by selecting the Working Time check box, you can indicate that this type of work time will designate working time in documents. For unpaid vacations, unpaid sick leaves, and other authorized leaves select this check box.

By selecting the Unpaid Time check box, you can indicate that this type of work time will designate unpaid leave. Make sure that the Working Time check box is not selected if you need to indicate that this is unpaid unauthorized leave which will be  deducted from the employee length of service when benefit, vacations, and termination pay are calculated.

Click the Save button to save the new record or the Save and close button to save the record and close the form.

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