The Inventory and Services tab is used for creating a list of goods and services lists to be purchased.

The "Purchase Order (create)" form. The Inventory and Services tab

To add an inventory item, click the Add or Pick button (refer to Using the Pick operation). In the Item column, select an item from the Items list or create a new item. For more details, refer to Items. Alternatively, you can import the list of items with all the details from an Excel document. For this, click the button on the table toolbar and follow the step-by-step instructions in the appeared window. The imported list can be edited in the Administration module.
You can use the Up and Down ( ) arrows to rearrange the items in the list.

The Characteristic column is available if the Enable Item Characteristics option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. In this column, you can specify additional properties of each purchased item if the Use Characteristics option is selected for the item in its master record (see Items).

In the Quantity column, you can specify the item quantity and in the Unit column, you can select an UOM for the item if the Multiple UOMs per Item option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.

The Price column is populated automatically from the appropriate supplier price list if such price list is available (see Supplier Prices Entering). Otherwise, enter the prices manually. Additionally, if the Enable Discounts and Markups in Purchase Documents option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form, you can use the Discount,% and Discount columns to provide information on discounts available from the supplier.

In the Comment column, you can enter some additional information about an item.

The amounts in the Amount column are automatically calculated for each item in accordance with the specified price, item quantity, and discount.

The VAT, % column is automatically populated with the VAT rate set for the item.

The amounts in the VAT Amount column are automatically calculated for each item in accordance with the specified price, discount, and VAT rate.

The Total amount is automatically calculated according to the taxation options and amount.

In the Comment column, you can specify some additional information about an item or a service to be purchased.

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