To access the UOMs list, go to Purchasing > See also > UOMs.

Various UOMs in the application are used to quantify inventory items and raw materials.

Your company may need to use multiple UOMs for the same items if the same product purchased from different suppliers may is packed differently, or if the company purchases the item from suppliers in larger packs than it sells them to customers. Alternatively, your company may consider different packings of the same item as different items – this depends on the item as well as on the company policies. 

Multiple UOMs can be used for items if the Multiple UOMs per Item option is selected on the AdministrationSettings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.

The UOMs list

The list contains all the measurement units that can be used in the system. UOMs are listed with their brief descriptions, international abbreviations, and full names.

As the list is populated, you can change its display settings. Click More  on the toolbar and select Configure list. For more information on the list settings, see Working with the item list.

At any time, you can add new units; the number of UOMS is virtually unlimited.

The toolbar buttons

To manually add a new UOM, click the Create button on the toolbar. For details, refer to Adding a UOM.

To add one or multiple commonly used UOMs, click the Pick from Classifier button. This opens the Classifier of Measurement Units form (see the screenshot below).

For description of other buttons, refer to List toolbar.

Adding common-use UOMs

To add one UOM from the Classifier, select this UOM in the list and click Select and Close.

To add multiple UOMs from the Classifier, repeat the following: select one UOM in the list, then click Select.

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