How to use Transaction Type - Supplier Debt Assignment

Transaction Type 'Supplier Debt Assignment' is useful in cases, when:

  • It is necessary to change debt from one supplier to another
  • Allocate advance payment of one purchase order to another purchase order of the same supplier

For example, settle a return of one paid Purchase Order with a new unpaid Purchase Order.
Open Statement of Mutual Settlements - go to Sales / Purchasing / Accounting > Reports > Statement of Mutual Settlements.
As goods in one Purchase Order were returned with Debit Note, then we have it in Advance Paid.
Then Invoice Received is created for a new Purchase Order and appears in Accounts Payable.

1. To create Mutual Settlement document, go to Accounting > Service Tools > Mutual Settlements:

2. At the Main tab, choose Transaction Type - Supplier Debt Assignment:

Fill Supplier and Supplier Recipient:

3. At Accounts Payable tab use the button Pick for choosing a document to pay, double-click on the document, then press OK:

4. At Payee Attributes tab, specify the contract of Supplier and choose a payment document:

Add an Order if Document has it as basis or linked to some Order.
For example, Bank Payment as a payment document relates to some Purchase Order - in this case Order is obligatory to fill:

5. Accounts Amount and Accounting Amount at Accounts Payable tab and Amount of Settlements and Accounting Amount in the Payee Attributes tab should match:

6. As the Mutual Settlement document is posted, the corresponding record is created and documents are settled:

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