This tab is used to provide general information about a WPS file.

The "WPS File (create)" form. The Main tab

In the Bank Account field, you can select the entity's bank account to be used as the source of payments to employees. Only the bank accounts for which the Use for WPS check box is selected on the Cash Management > Master Data > Bank Accounts form are available for selection.

The Bank Routing Code field is populated with the routing code of the bank of the selected bank account.

In the Registration Period field, select the pay period for which payments to employees will be deposited to the bank.

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that an internal number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select an entity of your company for which this document is being prepared. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on: Administration > Settings> General Settings. You can select your personal default entity to appear in documents; for this, refer to Personal Settings. If you have not selected your default entity, the entity, which was defined first, will be used as the system default value.

In the Department field, select the department for this payments.

In the Reference Number field, enter the number of the document in the WPS system.

In the Responsible field, you can select an employee who is responsible for this document.

In the Comment text box, you can provide any additional information that is relevant to this document.

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the form, click the Save button to save your work, then Post to post the document or the Post and close button to save the document, post it, and close the form.

Click Save WPS File on the toolbar to actually generate a WPS file base on this document. When prompted, specify the path to a folder where the file will be saved and the name of the file. The default folder is specified on the Administration > Settings > HR and Payroll form.

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