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This tab provides information (effective on the day before the termination date) on earned and used vacation days for vacations listed in the employee's Employment Contract and its later changes.

The tab includes the following two panes:

  • The upper pane contains a list of vacations with information on each vacation (main or additional).
  • The lower pane (Base Accruals) provides the details of calculation for the particular vacation that is selected in the upper pane; available once you click the Basic Accruals green link.

The "Employment Termination (create)" form. The Vacations tab

The Employment Date column shows the date when the employee was hired as reflected in Employment Contract.

The Years Worked/ Months Worked/ Unpaid Absence Days column shows the total length of service (in years and months) and the number of absence days that for vacation calculation are deducted from the length of service.

The Vacation Type/ Vacation Duration column shows the type of vacation and the number of paid vacation days per year; for some types of vacations, the number of vacation days may depend on the employment length (for instance, "To 60 mths - 21 days; from 60 mths - 30 days").

The Total Earned Days/ Total Used Days/ Already Earned Days column shows the total vacation days earned by the employee since the start of employment, the total of used vacation days, and the earned vacation days on the start of the current month.

The Currently Earned Days column is populated with the number of days earned by the employee in the current month up to the termination date.

The Unused Days column shows the number of available unused vacation days.

The Basis for Calculation (Cur.)/ Average Daily Earnings column is populated with the sum of accruals (earnings) used for calculating vacation days for this type of vacation and the amount of average daily earning in the currency of this document.

The Vacation Pay (Cur.) column shows the total payment amount due on unused vacation days in the currency of this document.

The Expenses GL Account/ Expense Item/ Business Activity column provides information that will be used for generating journal entries – the default expense GL account for costs of benefits and corresponding analytical parameters.

Use the Cost Object column to link these expenses to specific Cost Object.

In the Transaction Content column, provide a brief description for the journal entries to be generated for this transaction.

The Basic Accruals pane

For each vacation type selected in the upper pane, the Base Accruals pane shows the list of accruals used for calculation of this vacation final payout.

The Accrual Type column shows the accruals selected as the base accruals for this vacation.

You can view the accrued amounts in the currency of vacation (as in the Employment Contract and its changes) and in the currency of this document in the Amount (Cur of Base) and Amount (Cur of Doc) columns, respectively.

The Averaging Period (Months) shows the interval in months used for calculation of average daily salary according to the settings of the accrual type assigned to this vacation.

The Coefficient column shows the weight of this accrual in the base for the selected vacation's pay calculation. The weight is populated from the accrual type that is assigned to this vacation.

The amount used for calculation of the average daily salary is the weighted sum of the listed base accruals as follows:

Accrual1 * Coef1 + Accrual2 * Coef2 +… + AccrualK * CoefK 

The Currency column provides information on the exchange rate and factor used for conversion of the amount in the vacation currency to the amount in the national currency.

Vacation Pay Totals

The Total Vacation Payout field shows the amount (in the document currency) to be paid to the employee for all unused vacation days of all vacations.

The Total Amount from Accumulated Vacation Pay field shows the amount in the document currency that will be used for vacation payout from the accumulated for this employee amounts. This field is disabled for the employee if the Accumulate Vacation Pay option is not selected on the employee's employment contract.

The Remaining Payout Amount field shows the amount to be paid in addition to the amount taken from the accumulated pay; that is, the difference between the Total Vacation Payout and Total Amount from Accumulated Vacation Pay.

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