The functionality of stock reservations is available if the Enable Stock Reservations option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form. For more information, refer to Overview of  Inventory Reservations.

To access the Inventory Reserves document list, go to Warehouses > Warehouse Documents > Inventory Reserves

Inventory Reserve documents are used to register reservation of certain quantities of inventory items at the company warehouses or to cancel such reservation. Items reserved for specific customer orders are not available for other orders.

Generally, an Inventory Reserve document is created for a specific customer order or for multiple customer orders by using the Sales > Sales Documents > Customer Orders form. Also, it can be created for one or multiple customer orders by using the  Warehouses > Warehouse Documents > Inventory Reserves form. 

There are two types of Inventory Reserve documents:

  • Create Reserve: To reserve the specific quantities of inventory items in the warehouses. This makes these quantities of the items unavailable for other transactions.
  • Cancel Reserve: To cancel the reservations made earlier for specific customer orders. to make the items available for other transactions.

The Inventory Reserves list

The list of Inventory Reserves includes all the Inventory Reserves available in the system. In the list, each document is shown with the document number, date, transaction type, and the customer order which is the basis.

If you don't see a specific document, use the Search field or rearrange the list by date or document number. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the list display settings, see Working with the item list.

You can create an Inventory Reserve based on an open Customer Order or multiple Customer Orders. Also, Inventory Reserves can be based on Requisitions.

The toolbar buttons

To manually create a new document of the Inventory Reserve type, click the Create button on the toolbar.

To edit an existing document, double-click the line with the document in the Inventory Reserves list. You can also select the line, right-click it, and select Edit or click More actions > Edit on the toolbar.

If you need to print the selected document, send it by email, or perform other operations, refer to List Toolbar.

See also

  • No labels