This tab is available if the Payroll Taxes and Contributions Accounting functional option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Taxes form, and if for the entity of the employee the Payroll Taxes and Contributions Payer check box is selected in entity's master record on the Taxes tab of the Accounting > Master Data > Entities form.

Click Fill on the tab toolbar to populate the list of taxes and contributions from the entity's master record (the Tax Accounting tab): Accounting > Master Data > Entities.

The "Employment Contract Change (create)" form. The Taxes and Contributions tab

Review the list and remove the lines not applicable to this employee. Click Add if you need to add a new object manually.

In the Amount column, enter the changed amounts for taxes or contributions with fixed amounts.

Make sure the Payroll Taxes and Contributions Payer check marks indicate the taxes or contributions paid at the entity's expense.

Review the GL Accounts to be used as debit accounts and their dimensions. Replace them if needed. Specify the corresponding dimensions.

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