Problem: How to record Maternity Leave?

Solution: Create and set a new Sick Leave type as shown below.

The female worker shall be entitled to a maternity leave of (60) sixty days, according to the following conditions:

a. The first (45) forty-five days with full wage; and

b. The following (15) fifteen days with half wage.

1. Create a new type of sick leave.

2. Specify the name, the type of accrual, the type of working time, the calculation scheme, and the interval.

3. Create a new accrual type as shown below.

4. The sick leave intervals are used to define intervals with different sick pay rates for sick leave types.

On this form, you can create a new sick leave interval to be used to define a sick leave type. The following fields are required: DescriptionFrom, and To.

5. Create a new sick leave document.     At Main tab, enter general information about an employee's sick leave.

6. At Calculation tab, enter the sick leave details required for sick pay calculation. This tab includes two tabs:

  • Main Information
    • In the Sick Leave Type field, select the relevant type of sick leave.
    • In the Sick Leave From and To fields, enter the start and end dates. Once you enter the start date of the sick leave, the information on sick leave days used by the employee in the current year appears below on the form.

  • Detailed Information includes two panels:
    • The Accruals panel provides information on sick pay amount by interval.
    • The Basic Accruals panel shows the calculation details for the amount selected in the upper panel.

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