nYou can create a new Requisition to register the need of specific base unit for some items that can be purchased, manufactured, or transferred from other base units. 

On the Main tab, you can provide general information about the document. The following fields are required: Entity, Recipient, Requested by, and Required Date.

The "Requisition (create)" form. The Main tab

In the Status field, the current status of this document is shown (Waiting for Processing). To change the Requisition status manually, you can use the Change Status link (for more information, see the Document Statuses section below.

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that an internal number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select an entity of your company which is responsible for the document. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on: Administration > Settings > General Settings. You can select your personal default entity to appear in documents; for this, refer to Personal Settings. If you have not selected your default entity, the entity defined first will be used as the system default value.

In the Recipient field, you can select a base unit of the entity that will receive the requested goods and services.

In the Requested by field, you can select an employee who requested the items.

The Required Date field is populated with a date next to the current date; you can select another date when the requisition should be fulfilled.

The Customer Order field can be used to refer to the related customer order if this requisition is based on it.

Use the Basis field to select the document which is the basis for this Requisition, you can select from the following types of documents: Customer Order, Production Order, or Project Estimates. Click the Fill by Basis ( ) button to populated this document from the basis.

You can link this order with a project from the Projects list if the Project Costing functionality is enabled on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form. If the items in this document are being requested for different projects, and you need to specify different projects for different items, you can move the Project field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar (for more information, see Document Toolbar).

If the Enable Project Tasks option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Project Costing form, you can link the entire document with a specific project task or document's line items with multiple project tasks. By default, the Project Task column is available on the Inventory and Services tabs. If needed, you can move it as a field to the Main tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar.

In the Comment text box, you can provide any additional information.

Document Statuses

To change the status of requisition, click the Change status link. This opens the Requisition Status Change (create) dialog box.

The Requisition Status Change dialog box

The document may have one of the following statuses: Draft, Waiting for Approval, Waiting for Processing, Partially Ordered. Ordered, Partially Delivered, Delivered, Denied/Canceled, or Closed.

You can select the Do Not Change Status Automatically check box, if you need to change statuses manually.

Click Save to create a Requisition Status Change document and close the dialog box.

Click Cancel to cancel the changes and close the dialog box.

The document totals and other Information

At the bottom of the form, the Total field shows the document total (in the accounting currency) on the requested goods and services. 

Also, at the bottom of the form, you can view who created this document and the current status of the document; it can be one of the following:

  • New (document was created, but not recorded to the database)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to post the document without closing it or Post and close to post and close the document. For other button descriptions, see Document Toolbar.

You can use the Generate button to generate documents of the following types:

  • Purchase Order: To order purchase of the items listed in this Requisition.
  • Transfer Order: To order moving of the requested items from another base unit.
  • Production Order: To order production of the items listed in this Requisition.
  • Goods Receipt Note: To register the items received to the specified warehouse if it is required for this warehouse to create financial and inventory documents separately.
  • Invoice Received: To register the requested items received to the specified warehouse.
  • Employee Expense Report: To register the requested items received to the specified warehouse from the employee who purchased them.
  • Inventory Transfer: To register the requested items transferred from another base unit.
  • Production:  To register the items manufactured specially for this Requisition.
  • Inventory Reserve: To create reservation at a warehouse for the items listed in this Requisition.
  • Inventory Reserve (Cancellation): To cancel reservation for the items listed in this Requisition.

You can use the Settings button to adjust the document properties as follows: You can decide where you need specific fields: in the document header or in document lines (as columns).

The Document Settings dialog box

Once you are done with option selection, click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box or Cancel to close the dialog box without any changes to the settings.

The related links

You can use the links on the top of the form to view the following information related to this requisition:

  • Approvals: Provides information on who and when performed approvals.
  • Requisition Statuses:  Provides information on all status changes incurred for the document.
  • History of Approvals:  Provides information on who and when performed approvals.
  • History of Object Status Changes: Provides information on all status changes incurred for the document.
  • Taken Decisions:  Provides detailed information on approvals. 

  • No labels