On the General Ledger tab, you can specify the GL accounts involved in this transaction and all the related details.

The Transaction (General Ledger) (create) form. The General Ledger tab

To append a new line, click the Add button.

Note. According to the double-entry rule of accounting, each transaction includes two journal entries-- credit journal entry and debit journal entry; both recorded in the same table row.

In the Account Dr column, select a GL account that will be debited by the transaction. Below, you can specify the related department if for the selected account the Accounting by Department option was selected on the Accounting > See also > Chart of Accounts form.

In the Dimension Dr column, you can select as many dimensions for the debit GL account as was selected on the Accounting > See also > Chart of Accounts form. Dimensions are specified one under another in the same cell.

For GL accounts that have the Quantitative option selected, you can enter the quantity of item involved in this transaction on the debit side. For accounts denominated in foreign currency, you can specify currency and amount in this currency on the debit side.

In the Account Cr column, select the GL account which will be credited by this transaction. Below, you can specify the related department if for the selected account the Accounting by Department option was selected on the Accounting > See also > Chart of Accounts form.

In the Dimension Cr column, you can select as many dimensions for the credit account as was selected on the Accounting > See also > Chart of Accounts form. Dimensions are specified one under another in the same cell.

For GL accounts that have the Quantitative option selected, you can enter the quantity of item involved in this transaction on its credit side. For accounts denominated in foreign currency, you can specify currency and amount in this currency on the credit side.

In the Amount field, enter the amount of transaction in the accounting currency if no amount in other currency was entered for any side (journal entry) of the transaction.

Click Save on the form toolbar to save the entered data.

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